personal goals
active family travel,  family,  Health,  parenting,  Travel

Personal Goals – My Word of the Year for 2016


It’s that time of year again. When December 31st approaches and another year has gone by, the lists start populating your twitter and Facebook feeds and that tends to cause some degree of reflection on the year gone by. You know the ones? Top Ten Posts of 2015. Top Five Celebrities of 2015 and so on.

Every year for the past few years here I have chosen a word to symbolize my year and my professional and personal goals for that year. It helps to motivate me to stay focused throughout the year. This time of year I like to look forward and also look back to determine whether my word held weight all year and if I did what I set out to do. I ask myself if there’s anything I might have done differently and then I also start thinking about the year ahead.

In 2015, I chose Celebrate as my word of the year. I recall that it took me a good deal of time coming up with that one. I was almost at the end of January when I decided on celebrate as a personal philosophy of how I would approach the year as it unfolded. I waffled quite a bit and thought originally that my word would be travel, but decided that travel was too dependent on other things. Schedules and money…travel depends on many other factors. I was worried that if I identified the word Travel as one of my biggest personal goals for the year that I’d in some way jinx myself. In previous years I have chosen Growth and Health as words of the year. So how did Celebrate measure up? Did I choose the right word?

Growth and Health were actually better words and more accurately defined the theme of the years gone by. In 2014 Growth defined my business and personal goals as well. We grew into a bigger home and my business grew exponentially and growth was a very positive word for the phenomenon that defined our year. When I look back on the past year of 2015 part of me thinks I chose the wrong word and clearly should have embraced the word Travel. I did Travel a lot. I added more travel content here on the blog. I took several media fam trips, a cruise with family and we learned to ski in Quebec at Mont Tremblant. I began to think of myself as a travel blogger and travel writer more than I had before. Alongside of the health, technology and lifestyle content here on Thrifty Momma’s Tips, I also cultivated more travel content. But did I celebrate? Occasionally, but not as much as I should have. In fact I suspect I completely lost sight of that concept by September, if not sooner. I am not certain that I celebrated as I intended to when I grasped the word and wrote the post that I hoped would help motivate and describe my professional and personal goals for 2015. It was a great year, but I don’t think I fully understand or realized the word Celebrate yet. To the word celebrate I apologize a little because I feel like I let you down a bit. And I vow to be sure to return to that word and embrace it fully in the next decade, if not sooner.


[tweetthis]Do you have a word of the year for 2016 yet? Here’s a hint – #Travel[/tweetthis]

2016 is rapidly approaching and I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t looking forward to the coming year with more excitement than usual. There’s something about the collection of numbers in 2016 that makes me happy. Maybe it’s just the fact that it’s an even numbered year. I feel positive about it, even before it has started, and that’s a good thing. I think outlook is often half of the battle. As 2016 planning begins I think this year’s word arrives right on time and I confidently embrace the word Travel. In the last few weeks I have seen numerous travel opportunities filling my in box so the hard work attending conferences and networking this year is paying off and we will be travelling a good deal in 2016. It won’t always be possible for all of us to travel, but as I sit here in my office in Ontario trying to wrap up some posts before the holidays, I have two pending travel writing opportunities scheduled and ready to run with in 2016 and I have a family trip happening very soon as well. I’ve had to turn a couple of others down already because January is very full and I can’t really swing more than one trip a month.

Travel is my word of the year for 2016 and I can’t wait to share the world with my family and yours. Travel opens up new worlds and I love sharing those with my family and brining my readers along for the ride.

Happy New Year to each of you. Do you have a word of the year or a resolution?


Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.