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Boost Your Child’s Health with Webber Naturals

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A good vitamin supplement like Treehouse Vitamins from Webber Naturals can be like nutritional insurance for your child. In this neck of the woods, during one of the nastiest cold and flu seasons we’ve witnessed in recent years, insurance is important. My kids eat well, but we lead a very busy active life and sometimes I worry. My youngest, is especially prone to colds, and flu bugs. And she loves to share, so that means if she gets sick most of us get sick.


Like a lot of children, my kids’s appetites tend to fluctuate wildly, which makes me worry they aren’t getting all the vitamins and minerals needed for immune support and growth. I’m sure I am not alone in wondering how to make sure a child isn’t susceptible to every bug out there.


Webber Naturals – Insurance Against Cold and Flu Season

Winter can be really tough on kids as they try to maintain normal development and energy levels while facing cold and flu season. The absence of sunshine coupled with shorter days but longer periods of time spent cooped up indoors means germs travel inevitably at school and home.


In Canada, Vitamin D is in short supply. But it’s extremely important for growth and absorption of nutrients.  Vitamin D aids in proper care and maintenance of bones and teeth. I cracked this one open immediately to try myself. The Webber Naturals Vitamin D tastes great and is tiny. The kids liked the berry flavour. Vitamin D3 insufficiency has been linked to many chronic diseases in children.

A Canadian Company

Webber Naturals, a Canadian company, now offers a full line of natural supplements in the shapes of popular Treehouse TV characters Franklin and Friends and Max and Ruby.  We received several samples of Treehouse Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 and Multi Vitamins, along with some other items. Vitamin D3 is chewable and tasty. The D3 also comes in liquid form. The Vitamin C and multi-vitamins are chewable. All of Webber Naturals Treehouse vitamins are preservative and aspartame free. There are no artificial colours or flavours in Webber Naturals Treehouse vitamins. I like that.




If you want to learn more about Treehouse vitamins visit the web site: My kids liked the berry flavoured vitamins and I am happy to share these because they don’t contain a  lot of sugar. Ainsley liked the Vitamin C and the Vitamin D3, as well as the Multi-vitamin featuring Franklin (mixed fruit and berry flavour) but she did not like the taste of the Treehouse multi-vitamins featuring Max & Ruby. I think that it was actually a shock to her tastebuds if only because it is not sweet. I tasted it myself and both Payton and I liked that one. It’s a plain tasting vitamin and I don’t mind that, but I can see why some who are used to sugary vitamins might take a while to get used to the plain taste.



The Vitamin C chewable tastes citrus-y and is easy to take daily. My kids were always fans of Treehouse and Franklin. They used to have these Treehouse characters all over their walls in their bedrooms. When they were infants I painted murals all over their walls. I like these Webber Naturals vitamins because they are naturally sweetened and not overly sweet.


Treehouse Vitamins are good for children aged 3 and up. But don’t take my word for it, try them yourself. Follow the instructions below and one Canadian reader will win $50 worth of product vouchers for their family.

I received product and some other perks from Webber Naturals. My opinion is all my own. 

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.