Thrifty Mommas Tips

Lakota All Natural Pain Relief To The Rescue

natural pain relief

Let’s travel back in time together for a few minutes. I can scarcely recall a time that I did not have pain. As a little person I had joint pain often and that was always chalked up to growing pains. My mother and I tried so many different things. Eventually when I was 14 that pain became acute and it was in my stomach and my joints. I felt horrible. Crohn’s Disease, an autoimmune disorder of the digestive tract, was the verdict. I still struggle with pain on a weekly basis. But I have managed to develop a lot of tools and strategies that help. I believe pain and lengthy periods of time spent laying down reading and writing were part of the formative process for me choosing a career path as a writer.

natural pain relief

Last night I was resting in bed after a really long day of travel back and forth to Toronto, followed by shopping and then hours of writing, photography and recipe development. I was contemplating Lakota all natural pain relief and how I’d tell that story when my lower back tightened up like a vice and throbbed for the half hour before sleep. Resting and suddenly off my feet, I had brutal lower back pain again. Oh I know why it was there – all that sitting and walking and car time doesn’t help. Plus I have been back and forth to New York for a conference. I have been busy lifting heavy luggage and it’s been over a week since I hit the gym to do serious Yoga and Centergy and exercises that target the back and abdomen. There’s a reason I work out so often. It’s because when I don’t, my body reminds me to get moving. Crohn’s Disease and lower back pain go hand in hand for me. So. That reminded me of why I also reach for products like Lakota All natural Pain Relief.

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Lakota has several products ranging from a back pain formulation to an arthritis and muscle pain formulation in their line of topical pain relief products. When life gets too busy and I miss time at the gym I rely on Lakota to help with pain relief.

Pain is part of life and many people, both old and young experience pain. My oldest daughter has had an ankle issue that’s persisted now for seven months. It might be juvenile arthritis but we are still waiting on confirmation of that with an MRI scheduled in October. It’s hard waiting when your child is in pain and limping for months on end. In the interim we have been looking at many options for her pain relief. We’ve tried hot and cold compresses and exercises and rest and I have also sought out some topical pain relief lotions and creams. Lakota is one I have wanted to get my hands on for a long time. Pain, is always a symptom of something else going on. It’s the body’s way of saying something is wrong. So it’s not something you want to leave endlessly.

Pain can affect not only a person’s activities but their moods and ability to enjoy life as well. More and more, pain sufferers are searching for solutions to their pain that are natural yet effective.

Lakota offers pain relief products that are among the most effective available in the world. Using quality ingredients sourced from around the world including capsaicin, devil’s claw root, and white willow bark, Lakota products are rooted in traditional medicine. They offer an alternative to pharmaceuticals for those suffering from joint pain, swelling, inflammation, and stiffness caused by conditions like arthritis.

Effective pain relief and increased mobility can make such a difference to a person’s quality of life, allowing them to continue or resume activities of daily living as well as favourite hobbies. Lakota offers natural pain relief that speaks for itself. More information about Lakota products can be found here ==>>

You can try Lakota pain relief and find out for yourself! Save $5 or $10 on Lakota products with this promotion ==>

Thanks to Lakota for sponsoring this post. I received compensation for this post. My opinion is all my own and it is 100 % truthful.

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