
Make a Statement with Teleflora’s Valentine’s Day Bouquets

Is there any flower prettier than a red rose? Well, maybe lilies with red roses and carnations. Yeah that’s a Valentine’s Trifecta of gorgeous blooms right there.

Valentine’s Day bouquets are a great way to let that special someone in your life know just how special they really are. Most years, my husband gets me a lovely bouquet. Occasionally I receive jewelry too. I am, as well all know by now, someone who LOVES flowers and jewelry. You simply can’t go wrong with either. To be completely transparent he often buys a lemon merengue pie too, because that is our favourite.


I love them so much because it shows that my husband puts thought into a gift that is meant to show how much he loves me. Of course, I don’t need Valentine’s Day bouquets or jewelry to know just how much I mean to him, but it’s a lovely sentiment. Plus, he’s pretty good at choosing! This year, you can give a gorgeous bouquet to your special person with beautiful bouquets from Teleflora.

Valentine’s Day Bouquets that Explode with Color

One of the hallmarks of good Valentine’s Day bouquets is their color. Teleflora offers bouquets that are bursting with color, and they come in lovely vases that you can keep forever to put even more wonderful flowers in later on. The vase is one of my favorite parts, in fact. I love to continually fill them with fresh cut flowers even after my bouquet has finally run its course – and Teleflora bouquets last a long time!


Here are the Beautiful Arrangements This Year:

Sweetest Satin Bouquet

This gorgeous bouquet featuring a ceramic vase with a soft, satin finish and quilted look comes filled to capacity with classic red roses, white Asiatic lilies, red Alstroemeria, and green accents.


Sterling Love Bouquet

A simple and elegant blown glass vase holds beautiful red roses, pink Asiatic lilies, and red Alstroemeria surrounding by a variety of greenery. This vase is stunning actually. It is heavy and large enough for a substantial arrangement another time or two. I have a wide range of vases here but sometimes it’s the larger sizes that are needed. This beauty fits the ticket. Definitely a keepsake for life.

Country Sweetheart Bouquet

The blooms in this bouquet come in a pretty red crock rather than a traditional vase. This cute crock with heart design features red roses, white daisies, red carnations, dusty miller, and huckleberry. Adorable!

Happy Harmony Bouquet

While your relationship might not always be happy harmony, your flowers can be. LOL. A cute glass cube covered in red and white hearts holds more than its share of red and white blooms surrounded by lovely greenery.

Love Out Loud with Valentine’s Day Bouquets from Teleflora

Valentine’s Day bouquets are a wonderful way to say “I love you. You matter.” to anyone. The gorgeous bouquets from Teleflora are the perfect Valentine’s Day bouquets for any special someone in your life. With stylish, cute, and down-home vases housing a virtual explosion of blooms, these bouquets are things of beauty for sure. This Valentine’s Day, love out loud with amazing Valentine’s Day bouquets from Teleflora.

I received product for consideration here. My opinion is all my own and it is also truthful.


Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.