March Break Walk #WordlessWednesday
The paths near our new house are lovely. We had a chance tonight to enjoy the mild weather for a bit. I can’t wait to find each one of the trails and paths and walkways and explore them all with my family.
This is a Wordless Wednesday. Do you have any walking paths or hiking trails near your house, or in your city?

Jennifer Van Huss
Beautiful picture!! So peaceful! We have a couple of trails near home! I love taking the boys and DD2 and exploring nature!
Sandy A
That looks beautiful! I’m like you, Paula, I can’t wait to get out and explore my new neighbourhood and all the great trails around here. Lucky for us, Ottawa has so many great bike paths as well. I could literally bike from one end of the city to the other…if I had enough energy (which I don’t, lol). Enjoy exploring your new neighbourhood!!
Tammy Mitchell
Feels nice to get out and enjoy nature!
Sugarplum and Applesauce Boutique
I’m on bed rest this winter or else we would have done some exploring on the trails near us.
Shayna Murray
I can’t tell you how awesome it feels to finally get a break in this -40 weather and get out and walk! Even the short walk to the library on my lunch break the other day was heaven!
Mom vs. the boys
I love a good walk in the woods, it’s especially magical in the winter