Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.


  • Lisa Brown

    I’ve actually only seen one episode of Seinfield… I’ve tried watching it 3 times, and it has ALWAYS been the episode about the fur coat – funny stuff! 🙂

  • D

    Hi Paula, I’m visiting from Monday Mingle. I love that episode of Seinfeld! It was nice meeting you. Have a great evening.

  • Cluttered Brain

    Your daughter! Is cute. I love the way she is always trying to get in the shot…lol. 🙂
    And Seinfield…No soup for you…LOVE that episode..And YAY for FLORIDA!!!! I also have family in FLA so…anyway thats why I want FLA near me…
    Hope yu have a good week girl!!!
    My job search is on!!!

  • Jendi

    Looks like you have a little comedian over your shoulder. 🙂 I’m going to FL this March for SheStreams – it will be my first time in FL.
    Have a great week!

  • Kerry Rossow

    Holy buckets! You are too cute! I love this…
    I just did my first vlog which confirmed that I need mental help! You are a smooth pro! And, your daughter is a total cutiedoodle!
    Kerry at HouseTalkN

  • Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom

    Yay another Seinfeld fan! I love that episode…omg so funny. I also love the English Patient one LOL.

    I agree on people talking just to talk. Some people are really full of themselves (and it’s not an attractive trait!).

    Hope you are having an excellent week! OH, and a big hello to your co-host 🙂