Thrifty Mommas Tips

My #WordlessWednesday and a Linky #specialneeds

I am posting this because it is Wordless Wednesday and it’s past the time in Ontario where we should be doing this right. Supporting children with a disability is not a suggestion or an extra-curricular, or an add on for systems. It is the job. Period. Full stop.
If you have cancer and you go to doctor, do they say to you sorry my friend we don’t do that. And yet consistently in Ontario where we receive this diagnosis we have no follow up, no support or help. Very often we do not even have schools that support our children’s needs. So, families parenting children with a disability of this nature are called away from work 14 times a month and their child is suspended for having a disability and then you lose your job. And the stress is compounded. That’s not even close to health care, or appropriate social service or education or anything else that is kind, caring, compassionate or supportive. 
Tonight I am devastated learning an adoptive family I know broke down. I don’t know why I am surprised, because I field these calls at least once a week from our adoptive families struggling with kids that are hard to parent and schools that do not help kids with special needs. Because nobody helped appropriately with the right intervention for the disability at the right time. Because a family asked for help and heard: We don’t do that.

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