Thrifty Mommas Tips

Peanut Butter What? #CanWin #LMDConnector

Well, we are very big Cheerios eaters here. It’s true. My family loves every variation of Cheerios and has for years, from first food to my husband’s only choice for maintaining his strict ninja training regimen (TEEHee!) Joking a bit, but honestly he’s fitness mad and he will only eat Cheerios. And I like to mock his ninja training while pursuing my own yoga training and weight lifting. We all love trying each new flavour of this tried and true staple in our kitchen.
Anywho when I heard wind of this new peanut butter flavour offered for a limited time only, well I had to try it. My daughter is a peanut butter lunatic. I am not overstating at all here. She eats peanut butter every day. When we are out she asks for Reese’s Peanut Butter cups and she adores peanut flavour Honey Nut Cheerios. It’s a bit much sometimes. But this new flavour is all mine. I am hooked. Oh, my kids love it and ate it for breakfast this morning, but I can’t stop and that has me worried. See the taste is fabulous and it has a chocolate tone to it combined with a strong overlay of peanut. The combo to me mimics chocolate peanut butter cups a bit, but wait for it – it’s only got 8 little grams of sugar and a whole huge amount of taste. So I am grabbing handfuls to snack on because it’s incredible. Now to the worried part. Limited time? What? But why? I think I may like it even more than the children do because I can replace chocolate with cereal now. Squee! But I just don’t get why it has to be a limited time. So join with me in adding your name to my Keep the PB Cheerio’s comment section below. Or leave a comment and follow the directions. You can win some to try too. 
(The prize is ARV $40 and it appears exactly as above.)

The Peanut Butter Cheerios can be found in grocery stores near you March 4th. Right now fort a short time you can visit the Life Made Delicious Facebook page to nab one of the buy one and get one free coupons they are giving out there. Then you redeem the coupon March 16 to 17. Don’t forget. Also these offers tend to run out fast on Facebook so get there fast.
Oh and by the way this is my favourite peanut butter recipe. Now pop over to Pinterest for the directions on how to make these scrumptious treats.
Disclosure: I am participating in the Life Made Delicious Ambassador program by Mom Central Canada on behalf of General Mills. I received compensation as a thank you for participating and sharing my honest opinion. My opinions on this blog are all my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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