Thrifty Mommas Tips

Pink Eye Prevention and Treatment

Pink eye prevention is your first line of defence against this common irritating illness. If you have kids, or ever were a kid (LOL), you know that pink eye is a very real, very CONTAGIOUS threat to your home. That’s because children touch everything and then touch their faces all the time. It can be a painful affair that can spread like wildfire through the home if not careful. So let’s take a look at pink eye prevention and treatment.


What is Pink Eye

Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the covering of the whites of the eye – the conjunctiva. It’s a transparent layer, but it still contains blood vessels, and if it gets infected, it can be extremely painful. Pink eye is top of mind for me because I had the worst case of pink eye (in both my eyes) just after New Year’s Day. My eyes were both red and extremely painful and one was crusted shut. This inflammation occurs from an infection in the covering and is caused in three different ways.

Pink Eye Prevention and Treatment

Pink eye prevention and treatment are key things to know if you have children or if you work in high risk environments like schools ore any place where you have to work with the public. Happily, pink eye  prevention is mostly common sense and most people do much of this already.

Pink Eye Prevention

Pink Eye Treatment

Pink eye prevention is the best solution, but you won’t win every battle against it. This recent winter bout was awful. I wore sunglasses for at least three days and missed waterslides and pools for a bit  on doctor’s advice. So when Pink Eye rears its ugly head, here’s what you should do.

Pink Eye Prevention and Treatment – Avoid the Red Eyed Monster

If you’ve had pink eye, you know just how important pink eye prevention and treatment is. Being on the receiving end of pink eye is no fun, but fortunately, there are ways to keep it at bay. The biggest thing to remember in pink eye prevention is to wash your hands and keep them away from your face.

This winter I had pink eye multiple times. I had to get eye drops twice, but am finally better.

Have you, or your kids, had pink eye?

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