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Please Vote: Wego Health Activist Award Nomination

I am not going to say I don’t do this often. But I am going to ask for your help. I advocate here often for issues that are close to my heart: senior’s health, Alzheimer’s research, adoption, child welfare and infertility.

WEGO Health 

I blog often about health and I champion the causes that mean a lot to me because behind every single one of these issues are real live people struggling with health issues. This month I was nominated for a Wego Health Activist Award in the category of Advocating for Another. Please take a moment to endorse me there.

WEGO Health Awards


There are 14 award categories this year and there are many amazing bloggers and groups nominated. Each one is deserving of an award. Most don’t ever address their own sacrifices made in trying to give voice to an issue or cause. Let me tell you that each and every nominee has given up endless hours of time to write about, tweet about, post, share and perhaps meet in person with the people who make the policy choices that impact health care and the future for all of us.

Shoutout to All the Nominees

So here’s a shout out to each one of the nominees. I am happy, humbled and proud to be in the midst of powerful health care activists.


Speaking to Government

Today I am going out of town to speak to a panel of government committee members who make choices that impact all of our lives in Ontario. My husband, children and I have all rearranged everything in order to do this.

School meetings for both my daughters are now changed. A specialist appointment also had to be shifted. My husband has to leave work early losing pay in order to get our girls from school and quickly shuttle them off to their rehearsals and lessons starting at 4 p.m. tonight. I worked all weekend when I got the call late Friday that I would have a chance to meet with government.

Just a Day in the Life

This morning, I am brushing up on my facts, so I appear to know what I am talking about when they ask:  How much money will this save? How much will it cost? I will help give voice to the issues that infertile people face daily when trying to build a family. In my capacity as a member of the Conceivable Dreams blog team, and a member of the group itself I have personal experience and passion that makes this issue real for me. I have written about people who are just 25 when they find out they can’t conceive.

I have written also about people who spent $50,000 to get fertility treatment which is not covered and I have written about couples who are trying to fundraise over the Internet in order to pay for medical treatment.

Today, I tweeted out about how 15 US states now cover in vitro fertilization in some way. But Ontario does not. I have also written about adoptive parents of children with special needs who need support programs and help. These issues are tied together inextricably.

At their heart is the issue of who is responsible for helping to build healthy families? I know my answer is always – every one of us. We all need to take on that responsibility. Healthy families equal a healthy province.


Advocating is Endless

Over the last one and a half years I have spoken to many and written about children, families and childless people struggling through the process of becoming and maintaining healthy families. That should be the goal of every one of the people in the province of Ontario, and throughout the world really. 

Please Vote

So here’s all I ask. Today take a moment to click through to the Wego site and endorse me as the person nominated in the advocating for another category. This award nomination helps me stay motivated to continue to work hard for others. It’s a vote for raising your voice.

Don’t Forget to Join

You can join Conceivable Dreams conversation on twitter here. Thanks and have a fabulous week. 

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