Recession busters
Is it just me or are more companies suddenly trying to win your business with freebies? Call them Mama’s little helpers. I adore sites like Bargain Moose and the deal of the day. So here are a couple of my big recession busters this week.
This week’s Recession Busters
Now until June 7. Gymboree sale – 30 per cent off all of it, even the sale stuff, until end of this week. June 19th: free light smoothie at Orange Julius. Print the coupon off this blog or go to: orangejulius.com.
Don’t Miss the Library
Also take advantage of your local library. In the summer you can sign your child up for the READ program, totally free and pair them with a reading buddie volunteer to help beat the summer brain-melt. Also available in French (some areas) if you ask.
Free tales for Tots and Books For Babies run thru summer in some areas. Happy Shopping! If you use my recession busters please let me know!