
How to Save on Water Bills Now

Wouldn’t it be great to save on water bills? Depending on where you live, paying for water can be quite costly. The good news is that it’s possible to save on water bills, simply by making a few changes in your daily routine. Better yet, it’s probably easier than you anticipate ways to save money on water bills. And of course that also helps conserve water which should be everybody’s job.


Use Your Dishwasher Efficiently

If you own a dishwasher, you’ve already taken the first step toward saving money on what you pay for water. Despite what many people believe, using an energy-efficient dishwasher actually saves you money when compared to washing dishes by hand. So the very act of owning an energy-efficient dishwasher is a means of saving money and water over time. That’s smart.

But, yes there’s a but…Remember this. Only run your dishwasher when it’s full. Most dishwashers have efficient settings for loads that might be less intense. These might work on loads of cups and plates with very limited baked on food for instance. Always use the setting recommended and follow your manual. Failure to run your dishwasher at capacity means using far more hot water than necessary, which translates into both a higher water and electricity bill each month. Nobody wants that. Also it’s wasteful so just don’t do it.


Invest in an Adjustable Toilet Flapper

The flapper in your toilet is what makes the tank stop filling up once water reaches a certain level. Using an adjustable flapper allows you determine how much water your toilet uses with every flush.

Making an adjustment like this typically saves as much as three gallons of water per flush. If you prefer a more DIY approach, simply fill a 2-liter bottle with water and place it in the toilet tank. Because the bottle takes up space, there’s less room for water to accumulate after each flush. Please test this out first at least once before flushing and walking away. Always be safe with water. You don’t want a flood.


Recycle Your Greywater

Greywater is the used, relatively clean waste water that results from cooking, doing laundry or dishes and waiting for tap water to warm up. While this water doesn’t contain as many pathogens as blackwater (the sewage from your toilet), it obviously still isn’t safe enough to drink.

However, you can use greywater to water your houseplants and/or garden, which saves anywhere from one to several gallons of water every time you accomplish the task.

In many areas, you can also use greywater to flush your toilet, though some jurisdictions in the US and Europe don’t allow it. That being said, if this practice is something that interests you, contact your city officials for up-to-date information.

[tweetthis]Three basic ways to save on water bills. [/tweetthis]

BONUS Way to Save Money

Turn the faucet off when you brush your teeth and teach your children to do the same. Kids can, and should be involved in learning better ways to conserve and protect our resources. This is an easy one they can own too.


Easy Ways to Save on Water Bills

These are just three of many ways to save on water bills. Not only will you lower the overall cost, doing your part to conserve water means you’re helping the environment too. These days that is top of mind here.

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.