Thrifty Mommas Tips

School’s Out and It’s Time for New Traditions: #LMDConnector

School Is Out. Wahoo! Do a Little Dance or a Little Jig in Your Head. Truth is this year I have never been happier. I like having the kids home. They worked hard all year and it wasn’t an easy one. Too much change for little people can be strenuous and exhausting and this year, too many personnel at school changed over. Consistency was not the rule and my kids were stressed out. I am tired of Mommy taxi duty, and lunches, and I am more than tired of the need to advocate all the time for my children with special needs. So I say let’s celebrate!! So this morning we celebrated and started some new traditions.

This one is bucket list.
I bought a bucket and handed them some paper and we all wrote some key fun things we want to do this summer. Payton tells me it’s 104 days of freedom and so we all wrote down our wishes for the summer vacation. One is: Visit Kalahari. A few others area: Splash Pad trip, African Lion Safari trip. Another is see Brave. Ainsley’s is: Eat any Kind of Candy I want and Watch TV and Laze around. Oh and this one: Spend one full day outside never coming in not even to go to the bathroom. (EEP!)

Celebratory Breakfast.
So we are committed to our bucket list this summer. Now, as we were putting our bucket list together I also told them we would have a special breakfast. Bacon and Eggs and it was fabulous. A new tradition. Then before we left I asked them to help me pick a recipe from the Life Made Delicious web site by General Mills and we baked it. The one we chose was a treat. Because first day of summer vacation is all about treats. So we chose the Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Bars. (We may have licked the bowl, but the idea here was to bake together and then have a treat for when we returned from the beach.)

So easy to make and who would ever think of this?

Start with
Pillsbury cookie dough – use about 6 spoonfuls and spread on a cookie sheet then bake for about 12 minutes at 350.
2 containers of soft cream cheese
2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
In the mean time, mix the cream cheese with egg and sugar. Blend and add vanilla extract. Then take that baked cookie – let it cool first – and crumble it into the cheesecake. Take the rest of the cookie dough and spread it into a square baking pan. (grease it first). Bake the crust about 12 minutes and same temperature. Don’t crumble. Then pour that cheesecake crumble mix on top and bake that bad boy. Oh so yummy! But as I said we didn’t try it until after this:

So after a day of all that and a pizza dinner. Well, there was more than a wee bit of taste testing of the treats we made together, with a bit of help from Life Made Delicious.  By the way have you seen the dinnerator gadget? So fun. Plug in your ingredients and see what comes up for dinner.

Disclosure: I am a Life Made Delicious Ambassador and as such I receive compensation and special perks for my posts. My opinion is all my own.

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