
Six Netflix Series to Watch with Your Teen Now

These days we are spending so much more time in our homes that it’s inevitable at some points we resort to curling up on a sofa to watch Netflix. I have teens, so over the last seven months we have often looked at each other and said Netflix?

So, we thought we’d share some recommendations for Netflix Series to Watch with Your Teen Now.

Sometimes we all feel like binge watching something…and off we go often to the family room in the basement to queue up the next in a series.

It’s actually something I enjoy on cold days when the weather is rainy or dreary or just not nice enough to be hanging out on the porch or the deck. So, here are our picks for Netflix Series to watch with your teen now.

My kids are 16 and 18, and we generally don’t watch anything overly graphic, violent or sexual. I am no fan of extreme violence and honestly that kind of content interferes with sleep. So, we stick to mostly family friendly. Several of these I would not recommend for anyone under the age of 14 though.

Best Netflix Series to Watch with Teens Now

Tiger King

Well, this was nothing if not entertaining. There is some gross graphic content here which speaks of animal abuse, drug abuse and also sexist content. Hints of murder…Carol Baskin. But, it is curiously compelling to watch Tiger King even so.

Watch If:

Your teen is into binge-watching something and you have a day or two to spare. Also, if you are doing something fairly routine at the same time, folding laundry, editing photos etc. When I am editing photos I sometimes sit downstairs and watch these types of things with my kids.

Do Not Watch:

If your kids are super sensitive to animal abuse or overly suggestible. Also, let’s be real here don’t watch it if you are a homophobe. Also, what are you doing here if you are a homophobe?

Cobra Kai

My kids both are martial artists, so they were very into starting this one. Also, they have seen Karate Kid dozens of times. We were so curious about this as a family. This series is simply pure nostalgia and also it’s honestly kind of entertaining.

Watch If:

You loved Karate Kid and can get by hearing the word PUSSY. Literally, offensive as hell at times. But here’s where I go with that…it is a jumping off point for a lot of conversations about sexism and racism. Inappropriate language. You have martial artists.

Do Not Watch:

If Under 14. Too many instances of rude language. Also lots of racist comments in Season 2 when a Sensei returns from the original movie.

Brooklyn 99

Just purely a funny series. The constant revolving door or old Saturday Night Live comedians is so worth watching. Both of the girls started watching this at different times over the course of several years actually.

Watch If:

You enjoy seeing a diverse cast and love humour. Witty as heck.

Do Not Watch:

I can’t think of many reasons to not watch. I love the sense of humour here and the characters are crazy witty.

Umbrella Academy

Filmed in nearby Hamilton, Ontario, this series has a lot going for it. Ellen Page is fantastic in everything she does. Also, as my daughter says, she’s an actress who could play a teen or young women for the rest of her life.

Check out the Umbrella Academy merchandise and colouring books.

Watch If:

If you are Canadian then you need to watch. Also, if your kids are into animation, comic books or any kind of superhero magical content they will enjoy this. My 19-year-old introduced me to this series and I love it. We are halfway through the second season.

Do Not Watch:

Not everyone is a superhero fan, so if there’s no way you can get into that kind of sci-fi then this might not be the Netflix series to watch with your teens.

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

This recommendation comes from my daughter, Payton.

Watch If:

Perhaps you were a fan of Sabrina, Teenage Witch and your teen is relating to the witches and wizards escapist kind of content on Netflix. This will appeal to both of you.

Do Not Watch:

If you hated Sabrina, then you might not want to bother getting invested in this.

Thank Goodness for Netflix!

These are a few of our picks for great Netflix Series to Watch with teens right now. We are still finishing Umbrella Academy and we’ve only just begun Sabrina. Can’t wait to see where both of these series go next.

Bring on the Popcorn

Curling up during the pandemic and asking what Netflix series to watch next has been a common phenomenon here and in many homes. Watching occasional Netflix series with the kids has been one of my favourite things to do.

We might not do this often, but when we do, we really just enjoy the time together.

Do you have any of your own Netflix series recommendations?

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.