Thrifty Mommas Tips

Spring Garden Prep – Get Ready for the Growing Season

Spring garden prep is important whether you grow veggies or flowers. The groundwork you do now for spring will absolutely determine how successful your garden is this coming year. With that in mind, there are some things you can do in your spring garden prep to help you get a jump start on your beds.

spring garden prep

Spring Garden Prep can Make or Break Your Garden

If you’ve done any amount of gardening, you know that proper preparation is the key to any kind of successful garden. Whether you grow your own vegetable or fragrant blossoms, laying the groundwork now will produce strong plants later.

Get the Compost

If you have a compost bin or pile, now is the time to get all the good stuff into your beds. When the weather has warmed enough to turn the soil in your garden bed, get that compost turned in. It will help add much needed nutrients to the soil so your plants can grow big and strong. If you have flower beds, a full bed tilling won’t be an option, but you can still carefully work in the compost around your plants or even just lay the compost on the top of the earth.

Corn Gluten Meal

I’m willing to be that many of you haven’t heard of this all-natural method of weed control, but it can play a key role in your spring garden prep. As soon as the ground begins to warm, spread an even layer of corn gluten meal all across your bed or in between your flowers. Corn gluten meal is completely natural, and it controls weeds by preventing them from forming roots. For vegetable gardens, put out the corn gluten meal about a week or two before you plant seeds like beans or peas. You want to kill the weeds, not your veggies.

Make a Plan

This is so important for vegetable gardeners. As with any farming, you need to rotate crops. Doing so will allow different parts of your garden to recuperate from different vegetables grown during the previous season. For example, tomatoes are heavy feeders, so growing them in the same spot in your garden every year will deplete almost all of the nutrients. You need to rotate your veggies to allow the soil to recover as well as to prevent the spread of plant specific disease.

Stock Up on Now

Part of Spring garden prep is being prepared, scout style. If you need fertilizer of any sort, new garden tools, or any other garden related implements, get them now. The last thing you want to do is get caught in the middle of gardening without the proper tools.

Spring Garden Prep Will Make or Break Your Growing Season

Spring garden prep is the foundation for every single thing you’ll do as the months go on. Be sure you’re on point, and your garden will show it. Get the compost ready, stock up on supplies, and give corn gluten meal a try. These things will help ensure that your Spring garden prep leads to fruitful growing season.

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