Thrifty Mommas Tips

Take Care of Your Symptoms With This Homeopathic Allergy Remedy

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Is this year the worst in recent memory for allergies? I am waking up stuffed up and my ears get that crazy itch that heads right straight for my throat every morning.

When Pollen Counts Are High

Not surprising, because the pollen is so heavy in the air right now, I can literally see it every day. There are many times I look outside and it actually kind of looks like snow. But it’s pollen – huge dandelion bits and other allergens floating through the air all day long. No biggie, if you have your allergies under control. But that said, allergy control can be quite a drama.

My Experience This Year

We have tried a lot of allergy medications and remedies over the years. Some work and others have far too many ingredients in them to make me feel comfortable using them. This year I am opting to use Pascallerg because it is a Homeopathic allergy remedy.

Pascallerg is a Homeopathic remedy to relieve symptoms of hay fever and other allergies such as sneezing, wheezing, dyspnea and itching of the skin and eye. Itching of the skin and eye is a big deal here for my entire family.

It has an immediate effect and it can be used long term.

Pascallerg homeopathic allergy remedy is:

I have been using this homeopathic allergy remedy for about a month now. It is gentle and can be taken by kids, so I like that. It’s also part of my seasonal allergy routine.

Pascallerg® is effective in treating the symptoms of several allergies, including, but not limited to:

Do You Have Allergies?

Do you have allergies? If you are at all like me, you don’t like extra ingredients and are happy to find homeopathic and natural products that work. This is one that’s working as part of my seasonal allergy toolkit this year.

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