Thrifty Mommas Tips

5 Things to Do Before Buying a Refrigerator

buying a refrigerator
Tuscany – countertop commode and refrigerator in kitchen

Buying a refrigerator is a great way to reduce your energy consumption and cost. Newer refrigerators have much better energy efficiency than older models, and that efficiency saves money in the long run. If you’re considering buying a refrigerator, like we are right now, there are some things you can do to make it a relatively painless experience.

Tips for Buying a Refrigerator

You would think that buying a refrigerator would be a simple thing, but a fridge is a major purchase and it needs to last. It pays to do some research and planning before just going out and buying a refrigerator. My family and I have been shopping for a refrigerator for a few months now already. We are trying to get the best price and the best value. Plus when we moved in we thought we had appliances all set but it turned out our appliances are as old as this house and they are in need of replacing.

Energy Efficiency

My number one criteria for a refrigerator – or any appliance for that matter – is its energy rating. I want my appliances to be as efficient as possible. The more energy efficient they are, the more money I save. When looking at refrigerators, always look for the best energy star rating you can find and work your way from there.

[tweetthis]How important is the energy rating on a new appliance to you?[/tweetthis]

Type of Refrigerator

Another thing to consider when buying a refrigerator is what type of fridge fits you and your family. Do you need a lot of storage? If so, a traditional refrigerator with a freezer on either the top or bottom is great. If you don’t need to store enough food for an army, you might choose a French door refrigerator. I am referring to those French door refrigerators that go from top to bottom. Generally speaking, those types of refrigerators hold less food than standard refrigerators. I am stuck on a French door refrigerator this time around but I want one that is stainless steel with water filter in the door. That means some models are automatically out.

Don’t Get Stuck on Brands

When we started hunting for a new refrigerator, I didn’t chain myself to a particular brand right off the bat. Instead, I looked at energy ratings and customer ratings. I asked my extended social network. To me, other people’s experiences with a refrigerator is far more important to me than a name brand. I was able to narrow down the brands that way easily.


When buying a refrigerator, always measure. You may think that all fridges are about the same height, but “about the same” and “the same” can give you a very different outcome. Always measure. If you don’t, you’ll either be returning your dream fridge or doing a little DIY shaving off of the cabinets. That’s not cool.

Shop Around

I know we all have our favorite stores, but when you’re buying a refrigerator, it pays to shop around. Prices can vary drastically from store to store and from site to site. Always do your research on pricing.

While we’re on the subject of pricing, buying a refrigerator online can be a great way to save money. Simply find the brand you like, scope it out at the store, and then buy it online at the great wholesale website you found. Caveat: ALWAYS check customer ratings, so you don’t end up ordering from a horrible store.

Buying a Refrigerator Can be a Breeze

If you follow these 5 tips on buying a refrigerator, you should be able to find the fridge that’s right for your family. Just remember, when buying a refrigerator, do your homework. If you do that, you should be just fine.

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