Thrifty Mommas Tips

Budgeting for A Family Trip


Budgeting for a family trip is the only real way to make sure you have a good time instead of constantly worrying about the cost of the trip. Budgeting allows you to save more so there’s less worry when the trip rolls around. And who wants to worry when they’re supposed to be relaxing?

5 Tips to Budgeting for a Family Trip

Budgeting doesn’t have to be as hard or as horrible as most people think it is. Generally speaking, you can do a few small things over the course of the year that can have you sitting pretty when it’s time to take that family vacation.

[tweetthis]Budget for family travel easily with these tips. #travel #money[/tweetthis]

Skip the Starbucks

I know. We all love our triple chocolate macchiato half-caff decaff whatevers, but you’re throwing away $5.00 every time you order one. Instead of flushing your vacation spending money down the drain, brew your coffee at home and bring it with you in a thermos. You’ll save a ton of money that can be used for your trip.

Eat In

Instead of ordering take out or going to a restaurant, have dinner at home. You can make it fun by trying new recipes or making it a dinner followed by a movie night. The point is, an average meal at a restaurant is around $15.00 per person. That can add up over the course of a year. So add eating in to your budgeting, and you’ll see significant savings.

Use Cash When Possible

Using cash helps you limit the amount of money you spend and keep you on your budgeting track. When you use cash, you can only spend what you have. Credit cards should only be used when absolutely necessary. They simply allow us too much leeway to go overboard on spending.

Save that Change

When you use cash, you generally end up with change. Sock that change away to add to your vacation budgeting fund. Save every nickle and dime. If you have any dollar bills left at the end of the month, sock those in your fund, too. You’d be surprised at how quickly that change adds up.

Plan Ahead

Whether it’s flight and park tickets or hotel accommodations, planning ahead can save you a ton of the money you’ve already saved for the trip. Almost every time you book rooms, flights, or tickets to any event early, you’ll save money. You’ll also have a better chance of getting the rooms, seating, and attractions that you want.

Budgeting for a Better Trip

Family trips are a wonderful way to spend time together, but it’s hard to enjoy them if you’re constantly worried about the cost. If you practice good budgeting and saving practices, you can soften the blow of your family vacation, and focus on what matters most – having fun.

Do you have any budgeting or saving tips for a family vacation? I’d love to hear about them below.

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