Thrifty Mommas Tips

5 Easy Annuals for a Beautiful Garden

Annuals add pops of color and no commitment to any flower bed. With these seasonal plants, you can add a ton of color and visual interest to your garden or flower beds without the worry that you might not want the same thing next year. I’m a big fan of these one season beauties, so I’ve put together a list of some of the most colorful and easy to grow annuals for a more colorful yard.



Annuals for the Brown Thumbed

The following plants are colorful, easy to grow, and require very little care. All of these beauties can be successfully grown by even the most brown thumbed individual, so don’t be afraid to get out in your yard and play in the dirt!

Wax Begonias

These beautiful plants add both color and visual interest to any bed. Their heart shaped leaves can range in color from green to bronze/red, or mahogany, and their small flowers can be white, pink, rose, red, or a combination. They thrive in partial shade or indirect bright light and require very little deadheading.


Most people don’t know that Impatiens are not actually annuals. Somewhere along the line, Impatiens became one of the most commonly used seasonal plants for pops of color. These plants feature dainty blooms that come in every shade of the rainbow and then some. They do well in shade or filtered light.

New Guinea Impatiens

A specific hybrid of Impatiens, this variety takes the poppy color we all recognize in Impatiens to the next level. Their bold foliage ranges in color from green to bronze to burgundy. However, the blooms are what make this annual stand out the most, with colors ranging from hot pink to bright orange to deep red and more. Unlike the Impatiens we normally see, the New Guinea variety can do well in full sun.


This is another of the annuals on the list that is actually a perennial. Geraniums are often used as annuals in cold climates for their color. They prefer warm, dry days and cool nights. They are also quite nice as bedding, container, or indoor plants. Their gorgeous blooms range in color from white to pink to red and more with even more variegated varieties.

[tweetthis]Geraniums prefer warm, dry days and cool nights.[/tweetthis]


The old standby of annuals. It seems like everyone grows Marigolds, and it’s no surprise. These annuals are one of the easiest and most dependable to grow, and they have a nice range of sizes and colors. Marigold varieties range in height from a few inches to a few feet and come in an array of colors such as white, yellow, red, orange, and variegated combinations.

[tweetthis]These annuals are one of the easiest and most dependable to grow. [/tweetthis]

Colorful Annuals that Anyone Can Grow

Annuals are a great way to add all kind of color and interest to your flower beds, and the ones listed above are so hardy, almost anyone can grow them. With all of these annuals, you basically just need to tread the planting instructions on the containers, and you should be good to go for a season of gorgeous color. Give these a try and let me know how it worked for you. Brown thumbs, I’m talking to you. =D

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