Easy Fun Eco-Printing Craft for Youth and Up
Here’s a craft that you have probably never done before. Eco-printing is a fun way to make pretty cards and writing paper. The materials involved are simple and can mostly be found in and around your neighbourhood. My oldest daughter Payton did this one and came up with the idea then helped document the steps here. Fun Craft With Natural Materials This Eco-printing activity could be a great craft to do with older kids because it gets them off their screens and outside for a bit. Basically, you just need to go for a walk around the neighbourhood to gather leaves, petals and buds. The more colourful the better. Don’t…
Best Environmentally Safe Ways to Keep Pests out of your Garden
Your garden can be a calming, relaxing, and rewarding experience. You get to grow your own food and know that your food is coming from a healthier place than what you might find in your local grocery store. When it comes to having your own garden there are pests that can arrive to threaten your crop. If you have pests hanging around your garden and you are searching for some of the best environmentally safe ways to keep them out, then you’ve come to the right place. Check out my list of the best environmentally safe options to keep those pesky pests out of your garden. If you need indoor all…
Make a Statement with Teleflora’s Valentine’s Day Bouquets
Is there any flower prettier than a red rose? Well, maybe lilies with red roses and carnations. Yeah that’s a Valentine’s Trifecta of gorgeous blooms right there. Valentine’s Day bouquets are a great way to let that special someone in your life know just how special they really are. Most years, my husband gets me a lovely bouquet. Occasionally I receive jewelry too. I am, as well all know by now, someone who LOVES flowers and jewelry. You simply can’t go wrong with either. To be completely transparent he often buys a lemon merengue pie too, because that is our favourite. I love them so much because it shows that my…
Holiday Flowers with Teleflora Make the Season Brighter
Holiday flowers make the season so much brighter. I love to add flowers to my home at any time of year, but when the holidays roll around, flowers are essential. There’s something about that pop of colour that chases away the winter blues. If I had my way and unlimited budget I’d have poinsettias and lilies and pine all over the house. The pretty blooms and foliage are a treat during the winter months. This is also why I love Teleflora Table campaign. I know how much holiday flowers brighten my holiday season, and Teleflora can help you brighten the holidays too. Holiday Flowers from Teleflora The Teleflora Table campaign is all about…
Love Out Loud with Teleflora for the Holidays
Love out loud. Christmas is a wonderful time to celebrate all your loves. Around Thanksgiving we start reflecting in earnest on the year that has gone by and the spirit of gratitude and thankfulness is high. It would be lovely if that was the case all year round but sometimes we need reminders of what we are grateful for. That’s sort of what Teleflora’s #LoveOutLoud campaign is about. Gratitude, thankfulness and love. Love Out Loud is more than the tag line for Teleflora’s #LoveOutLoud campaign. The idea has been around forever, as long as love has existed. Live out Loud and Love Out Loud sort of mean the same thing to me.…
Gatineau and Outaouais Region Celebrate Canada 150
This year Gatineau in the Outaouais Region of Quebec has some remarkable reasons to visit. MosaiCanada 150 and the brand new Canadian History Hall exhibit in the Museum of Canadian History were the most powerfully charged of all the experiences I had this summer travel season. If you are Canadian, you need to see this. It’s hard not to be moved seeing Canada’s history on display. MosaiCanada 150 and the new exhibit together are powerful narratives about Canada’s story. Gatineau Becomes a Riot of Colour Summer is short in Canada and this year it vanished quickly, with the strange cool and rainy weather we had in much of southern Ontario.…
Father’s Day Trivia – 6 Facts You Didn’t Know
Father’s Day is pretty common to almost every household in North America, and has been for as long as most of us can remember. But where did it come from? How did it happen? Who started this Dad love in? Have fathers always been celebrated in June since the beginning of time or a little later than that? Amazingly Father’s Day has been around for a time. But it’s only relatively recently that is has become entrenched and celebrated. Well, I figured you’d like to know some interesting Father’s Day trivia in honor of this June holiday. So here’s a bit more information and some cool Father’s Day trivia. Father’s…
Valentine’s Day Bouquets – The Classic “I Love You”
Valentine’s Day bouquets are the classic “I love you” gift. They’re a wonderful way to show someone how much you care. The wonderful scents. The beautiful blooms. The colours. Flowers, especially Valentine’s Day bouquets, are the most romantic thing in the world to me. They’re so classic, and they have this way of making me feel appreciated, loved and cheerful. Sigh… I love them. The Best Valentine’s Day Bouquets If you’re going to give a bouquet as a Valentine’s Day gift – and you should – make sure you get the best of the best. I love Teleflora bouquets. Their blooms are always beautiful and long lasting. That’s the winning…
Planting Bulbs in the Fall – How to Properly Plant
Planting bulbs in the fall might make some new gardeners nervous. After all, we like to get most of our plants in the ground in the spring. Planting spring flowering bulbs, however requires planting bulbs in the fall. Fear not! It’s easy. Here’s what you need to know. Planting Bulbs in the Fall – Easy Peasy Planting bulbs is not all that difficult, and the process for planting bulbs in the fall is pretty much the same as planting them in the spring. It’s just a matter of knowing the basics and then following them. It’s really as easy as that. So let’s get into it! Choose an Area Bulb…
5 Easy Annuals for a Beautiful Garden
Annuals add pops of color and no commitment to any flower bed. With these seasonal plants, you can add a ton of color and visual interest to your garden or flower beds without the worry that you might not want the same thing next year. I’m a big fan of these one season beauties, so I’ve put together a list of some of the most colorful and easy to grow annuals for a more colorful yard. Annuals for the Brown Thumbed The following plants are colorful, easy to grow, and require very little care. All of these beauties can be successfully grown by even the most brown thumbed individual,…