Thrifty Mommas Tips

5 Tips to Get Better Sleep at Night

Are you having a hard time falling asleep at night? Do you toss and turn and still barely get any shut eye? Luckily, there are a number of things you can do to help improve this problem. Better sleep is pretty simple with a few changes of habit.



Here are 5 tips to get better sleep at night:

  1. Turn off electronics an hour before bedtime. Using your TV, computer, e-reader, or cell phone may be making it more difficult for you to fall asleep. Shutting down all of your electronics an hour before bedtime may help you fall asleep faster. Dimming the lights an hour before bed may also help your body get into sleep mode better. If you sleep during the day because you work at night, be sure to keep the blinds down or close the curtains.
  2. Stop taking naps. It may be hard to stop napping, especially when you’re having a hard time sleeping at night. It’s possible, however, that taking a daily nap could be hurting your sleep at night. Try to fight through your tiredness until bedtime. If you absolutely must take a nap, try to keep it to 20 minutes or less.
  3. Try to stick to a routine. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can help you sleep better. If you go to bed at 9 p.m. one night and 2 a.m. the next night, your body will have a harder adjusting to your sleep patterns.
  4. Avoid caffeine consumption later in the day. Although drinking coffee later in the day may seem like a great way to keep yourself awake, it could actually be affecting your sleep at night. Keep in mind that this isn’t just limited to coffee, either. Eating chocolate or drinking iced tea too close to bedtime may also be affecting your sleep.
  5. Eat light before bedtime. It’s a good rule of thumb to quit snacking to improve your sleep routine. That being said, if you find the need to snack, be sure to keep it light. Greasy and fried foods tend to be too heavy. Instead, consider opting for some crackers or some fresh vegetables. Be sure to stay away from anything too spicy or acidic, which may cause acid reflux and keep you awake.

[tweetthis]Eat light before dinner and get better sleep at night. [/tweetthis]

Five Tips to Get Better Sleep at Night

These are just 5 simple tips to help you get better sleep at night! Keep in mind that everyone is different. The key is to find what works best for you and stick with it!

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