Thrifty Mommas Tips

Do it Yourself Homemade Deodorant

As an alternative to store bought deodorants that often contain strange things you cannot even pronounce, many people prefer to make their own. There are many things that can be used as a natural deodorant. After doing some research recently I thought I’d give DIY Homemade Deodorant a try.

homemade deodor

DIY Homemade Deodorant

There are many things that can be used as a natural deodorant. After doing some research recently I thought I’d give this a shot. I will have to let you know how well this works another time. With a tween and teen in the house I am sure you can all understand that deodorant is NOT a frill at all, but a necessity. And we go through it faster than ever before.

Easy to make with a few kitchen ingredients

I was surprised at the range of items you can use to make your own deodorant. One small caveat though: you will want to be sure that you test things before committing to them as your body may not agree with your choice. If you break out in a rash or the skin feels irritated be sure to switch to a new method.

Many people prefer to add Essential Oils to these options listed below. Essential Oils are natural and will add your preferred scent to the option that you choose. Be sure to test that your underarms will tolerate the oils on your skin before adding them to your recipe for Do it Yourself homemade Deodorant.

Personally although I love all of the essential oils I have here ( I have peppermint and rosemary and lavender oil too) but I like the natural scent of the coconut oil on its own. It is very summery.

[tweetthis]There are many simple ways to make your own deodorant. #DIY #beauty[/tweetthis]

There are several easy ways to make deodorant:

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