11 Ways to Save on Groceries Now!
Have you been to the grocery store lately? Or any store for that matter? Prices have gone up dramatically since the pandemic began and the cost of food continues to rise. It’s frustrating and depressing and no fun at all to grocery shop anymore. So, I thought it was time to share some of my ideas about ways to save on groceries. It’s no longer optional, unless you are independently wealthy you have to find ways to save on groceries this year. Of course, we all love to save money at the grocery store in general, but these days that’s harder than it ever was in recent memory. In a…
How Do You Budget When You Have Nothing Left to Spend?
Having nothing left to spend in the middle of the month way before a pay cheque comes in is a brutal spot to find yourself in, but it happens to many people. Listen, when we were living on one income with small children before I started my business Thrifty Mom Media Consulting there were many times we had zero money to spend, so I had to get creative. Living off of credit is a losing proposition that will dig you further into debt so you need to find a way to stay afloat without going bankrupt financially and spiritually. Believe me I know how brutally hard this is. Living a…
Money Mistakes – 5 Ways You Could be Sabotaging Your Finances
Money mistakes are common. Whether we’re just starting out on our own or trying to manage your finances as we get older, making the most of our money is tricky. It’s not just making the most of our money, either. It’s also protecting that money. It seems crazy, but most of us don’t know enough about one of the most important things to daily life – money. To that end, here are 5 money mistakes that you could be making right now. Money Mistakes that Hurt Your Finances These mistakes are some of the most common and most detrimental. They either contribute to our debt, prevent us from making the…
Be Prepared for Summer Road Travel
Summer’s almost here and that means summer road travel season is underway. There’s a part of me that’s counting the days until we can load up the van and drive somewhere new. Road trips are a tradition when the kids get out of school and we all take a collective deep breath. Nothing nicer to me than the easier rhythm of summer days. This July one of my girls will be working as a camp counsellor so our family will work around that schedule. Summer road trips are an important part of our family tradition here. In the last couple of years we have taken some amazing trips together, starting…
Giant Tiger Online Equals Giant Savings and Convenience
Giant Tiger has giant savings. It also has giant convenience. With Shop GT Online, you can get your items at a great price and have them delivered right to your door, or you can also have them shipped to store for pickup. Basically there are more options than ever, and more merchandise than ever, all tailored to meet needs of any shopper. That’s the kind of shopping experience that I’m all about, and that’s exactly what I get with Giant Tiger. Giant Tiger – A Savings Beast If you haven’t heard, Giant Tiger is one of the biggies in Canada when it comes to great deals on just about everything.…
How to Shop For Luggage #travel
I’ll admit it. When I was first married my husband and I bought our first set of luggage at Zeller’s. We didn’t really know what to look for and there really weren’t many choices 20 years ago. We looked for sizes, got the cheapest luggage we could find, and went on our merry way. That was a horrible decision. Luggage is one of those things that definitely falls under the category of “you get what you pay for.” To save others the time and headache of getting terrible suitcases, I’ve put together some things to watch out for that will help you get the best buy for your money. Shopping for Luggage the Right…
What is a TimeShare? Know the Pros and Cons of Investing #travel
What is a Timeshare? Know the Pros and Cons of Investing A couple of weeks ago, I discussed the question, “What is a timeshare?” This time around let’s look at the pros and cons of investing in one of these properties. From time to time I hear people crowing loudly about how awesome their timeshare property is. Lately I have wondered myself whether a timeshare is a good investment for us. We love to travel, so why not? That’s what led me to start this series. The results of this miniseries and this “What is a Timeshare” instalment may be quite different than you expect! What is a Timeshare? What are the…
Do it Yourself Homemade Deodorant
As an alternative to store bought deodorants that often contain strange things you cannot even pronounce, many people prefer to make their own. There are many things that can be used as a natural deodorant. After doing some research recently I thought I’d give DIY Homemade Deodorant a try. DIY Homemade Deodorant There are many things that can be used as a natural deodorant. After doing some research recently I thought I’d give this a shot. I will have to let you know how well this works another time. With a tween and teen in the house I am sure you can all understand that deodorant is NOT a frill…
Five Questions And Answers About Ontario’s IVF Public Funding Commitment #Ohip4ivf #onpoli
Some of the members of Conceivable Dreams Infertility patients in Ontario have come so far in two years. Two years ago most infertile people in Ontario struggled, took out second mortgages and sometimes worked three jobs to pay for the in vitro fertilization. In vitro fertilization was only covered by the Ontario health care system for one condition – bilateral tubal obstruction. That condition impacts only a very small percentage of females diagnosed with infertility. Now Ontario infertility patients have a commitment of public funding for one round of IVF. That’s a huge deal for all Ontario infertility patients wondering how to pay for in vitro fertilization. But Ontario’s IVF…