Thrifty Mommas Tips

Making STEM Fun This Summer

Making STEM fun for kids pays off in the longterm. With our ever-changing world focusing heavily on technology, it’s important for children to learn to love Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM). It’s the future for them, and they need to be on the forefront. That’s why I’m always trying to find new ways to keep my kids excited about STEM.

I found three cool books from DK Canada that are making STEM fun for kids, and I think your kids will love them, too. A couple of these are going straight to my second youngest nephew for his birthday. Both of my brother’s boys are Star Wars obsessed and let’s just say The Bacteria Book sounds like gold. I’m looking forward to hearing them holler: That’s so gross!!


Making STEM Fun

One of the best ways to make STEM fun is to keep it interesting. The three books I found contain fun facts and activities that will have the kids eager to keep exploring and learning more. Spark a love of learning with these amazing new STEM books. Perfect for the summer.

Star Wars Maker Lab

I love this book because it’s chock full of activities and projects that take STEM principles and make them accessible to kids in real-world situations so they can really be a part of what they’re learning.

With 20 amazing projects, Star Wars™ Maker Lab teaches your budding Padawan how to become a Master of science, in both the real world and the Star Wars galaxy. Using clear step-by-step instructions, the book guides home scientists and makers through each exciting experiment. From making Jabba’s gooey slime or a hovering landspeeder, to an Ewok catapult and a glowing Gungan Globe of Peace. Each experiment has fact-filled panels to explain the real-world science as well as the Star Wars science fiction from the movies.

With projects that are out of this world, this fantastic Star Wars book can keep children entertained for hours. Make use of many household items such as cardboard tubes, baking soda, cornstarch, straws, balloons, and food coloring. There is plenty to keep adventuresome scientists enthralled. With instructions to make your own bristlebot mouse droid, lightsaber duel, and Mustafa volcano, this book will knock your Star Wards fan’s socks off. Star Wars Maker Lab supports STREAM topics and helps children to learn the basics of science by traveling through the Star Wars galaxy. May the (static) Force be with you!

The Bacteria Book – The Big World of Really Tiny Microbes

This book by Steve Mould is $20.99 and super cute, bright and playful. Bacteria Book is a funny, fact based book that will make them go EW Gross and OH COOL in equal measure. What do a squid that glows, and tiny creatures in the soil under your toes have in common? Read The Bacteria Book to find out about bacteria, viruses, germs and microbes. Perfect for my nephews.


Human Body: A Visual Encyclopedia

I like this book because it helps kids understand the human body in a way that’s fun and accessible. You won’t find boring text here. Rather, this children’s encyclopedia is filled with colorful, dynamic illustrations that keep kids interested.

Employing a dynamic visual approach, this children’s encyclopedia explains how the body works through pictures, making the subject matter accessible and intuitive to readers of all ages. The accompanying text is simple, lively, and packed with amazing facts and surprising stories that appeal to curious minds. The book is divided into twelve sections. The first eleven chapters explore and explain major bodily systems, including bones and muscles, the digestive system, lungs and breathing, life cycle, senses, and the mind and psychology.

Finally, the reference section provides readers with quizzes to test their personality and reasoning. Then it finishes with a timeline of key medical breakthroughs. Every spread in this book is devoted to explaining how different parts of the body work–from how the heart beats to the tiny white blood cells that attack germs. A perfect addition to any home or classroom STEM library.

FYI if you are interested in more STEM education check out the STEM camps for kids this summer.

Making STEM Fun is Easy When You Have the Right Tools

From colorful illustrations to hands-on activities and projects, these two books from DK Canada are helping parents keep a love of learning alive in their children. I really love these books, and I think you will, too. So check them out and see how easy making STEM fun for the kids can be.

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