Pumpkin Investigation Science Activity
The best science activities in my personal opinion are the ones where kids don’t even realize they are learning about science. As a lot of you know I have always had one child here who is a reluctant science student. My oldest is all hands on science and social science and always has been. My youngest however finds it abstract somehow and never really enjoyed the topic. So, hiding some science activities under the guise of play always made the most sense for them. This post may contain affiliate links as a service to readers. I make a small amount of money off of purchases made via qualifying links. That’s…
Take the Stem Challenge Now and Keep Learning
Is it time for a STEM challenge? Post contains affiliate links as a service to readers. I receive a small commission via qualifying purchases. Keep Them Entertained and Learning Right now, with a return to school still a bit uncertain and summer in full glow, you might be hunting for ways to engage the kids in educational activities. I don’t know about your children, but mine have always loved hands on kinaesthetic learning. It’s simply how my kids learn best. They are hands on and visual as well. Auditory is lower down on the list for my kids anyways. So, if you want them to retain something, often that requires…
Easy Bee Life Cycle Learning Kit
I know many of you have been thrust into the homeschooling mode this past few weeks. You are probably looking for resources that are affordable. Here’s a Bee Life Cycle Activity that will help kids studying early science and life cycles. As many of you know, we are dealing with teenagers here and high school is totally different than elementary school, of course. But, even so, I have kids with ADHD and ADD and learning disabilities, so my reality is that I need to supervise my kids if anything is to get completed here at all. Easy, Educational, Activity Books If you have little people, then you might be hunting…
The Best STEM Toys for the Holiday Season
STEM toys are some of my favorite gifts to give children. If you’ve read my blog, you know I love giving STEM gifts as a way to make learning fun. I’ve found great Stem books in the past that got my kids excited about learning and over the years I’ve found all sorts of toys to keep their minds sharp. Right now it’s prime time to get shopping for STEM gifts for the holiday season. Around here it’s never too early. I plan my shopping out all year round actually so that I get the best deals, and on line shopping helps. This year, I am hunting for STEM toys…
Learning About Dinosaurs with DK Canada
I received product for consideration here. This post may also contain affiliate links. Learning about dinosaurs has become my daughter’s newest passion. Of course, Marvel and sharks are still high on her list, but ever since we saw Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, my daughter has fallen head first into the deep end of the dinosaur pool. She can’t get enough of them. She reaches for every source she can find for learning about dinosaurs like she’s writing a grad thesis on the subject. In fact, she’s incredibly excited about the fact that some researchers are actually discussing bringing dinosaurs back to life. I fall squarely into the “that’s a bad…
Making STEM Fun This Summer
Making STEM fun for kids pays off in the longterm. With our ever-changing world focusing heavily on technology, it’s important for children to learn to love Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM). It’s the future for them, and they need to be on the forefront. That’s why I’m always trying to find new ways to keep my kids excited about STEM. I found three cool books from DK Canada that are making STEM fun for kids, and I think your kids will love them, too. A couple of these are going straight to my second youngest nephew for his birthday. Both of my brother’s boys are Star Wars obsessed and…
STEM Camp – Summer Day Camps Building Curiosity
Imagine a camp where you build your own space suit, or monitor weather in space. A camp where your children explore the world around them, ask questions and create experiments. Building curiosity and engaging young people all summer long is the name of the game at STEM Camp. I couldn’t be happier to share Stem Camp with you. STEM Camp is one of my favourite children’s STEM summer day camps. You already know STEM is the future and maybe you wonder how to nurture that interest. Maybe you worry your kids don’t get enough STEM in school. Well, STEM Camp is a great way to address that. These innovative hands-on summer day…
STEM Camp – The Perfect Way for Kids to Spend the Summer
STEM Camp is an amazing way to keep the learning spark lit all summer. Over the years both of my kids have benefited from summer camp. Summer camp is a wonderful way to stay engaged and excited about learning even when school is out. And the social benefits of camp are strong too. Summer camps are a wonderful way for kids to mingle with their peers in a fun, safe environment, and STEM camp adds an extra layer to that experience. So what’s unique about this camp. Well, this is no indoor routine classroom setting. This camp offers a setting that allows kids to have a ton of fun while…
American Heart Month – Give a Piece of Your Heart
This post was written by me through an activation with HireInfluence on behalf of BIOLIFE4D. Although I received compensation for participating in the campaign, all thoughts and opinions are my own. The human heart is a miraculous and precious thing. It is the engine that sets the rhythm for your day. At roughly the size of a fist, it’s much smaller than you might have imagined. It is often a cartoon caricature this time of year and frequently it is the subject of so many love songs. Your heart also demands care and attention, like a high end sports car. It keeps your blood flowing and faithfully helps your body…
15 Easy Solar System Projects that Wow
The Solar System Can be a captivating learning experience for children of all ages. Whether you homeschool, or parent a school aged child who needs to quickly come up with a concept for a science project this school year, these 15 Solar System Projects will be a hit. Post contains affiliate links as a service to my readers. I make a small commission from any qualifying purchases. There are so many different ways you can get your kids excited about space! Astronomy can be a massive concept and topic which also means there are many different ways to teach autonomy and solar system units. I love hands on projects which…