
Welcome to Thriftymommedia.

Owned and operated by Paula Schuck
I can be reached through any of the various social media channels like @inkscrblr
Or call my cell phone 519-852-4596
I look forward to discussing how I can build your buzz, or even simply help you tell a story.


  • Aaron Con

    Hi there,

    I’m Aaron, content manager for Hottubify. Our company offers a great diversity of outdoor, trends, and techniques to improve your home efforts. I want to extend my help by contributing a fresh new article to your site.

    Can you please let me know if you offer free guest posts on your site for good content, or perhaps there’s a fee?


  • Patricia Buononato

    I am writing to ask permission to use parts of your free presentations to use in Jamboards I am creating for teachers to teach with virtually.
    I love the vibrant colors and great content. I would give you all the credit for the work on the pages.
    Many teachers are flying while the plane is being built and my goal is to try to create No-Prep, free, easy to use Jamboards on Zoom.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    Patty Buononato

    • Paula

      Hi Patty: Can you tell me which ones you are interested in using and how many? I am curious and would like to keep an eye on whether that also drives traffic to my site. As long as you give me credit and link to the site that should be fine.

      Thank you so much for asking. Some people take content without asking and I often have to tell them take it down. This seems like a great educational tool.

      Have a great week, Paula

  • Margie Meakin

    Hi Paula. I read your article about invisible disabilities and eye rolling. Thank you for this great information. I admit that in the past I may have been that person. I am learning, and improving in how I respond in situations with all kind of people. This is in hugely part to articles very much like yours. Your last paragraph really struck a cord: “The way I see it, when you know better, you can do better. I share my story so that next time, someone may pause before reacting and give themselves a moment to consider that there could be something more going on. And instead of an eye-roll, I may catch a smile instead.” Thank you for helping me to become a better, kinder person, with a much greater understanding of invisible disabilities. I look forward to reading more of you work.

    • Paula


      Thank you so much for the kind comment. I am still learning all the time and I think that is a great thing. I genuinely appreciate your kind feedback. My teen and I were talking the other day and sometimes I question does she see that kind of thing? Does she notice the eye rolls….she says I see every single look mom. That is sad to me so I agree let’s replace eye rolling with smiles.

  • Meritha

    I really like word scrambles. Your Family Word Scramble has me stomped. Cannot figure out several words, inspite of having the first letter Capatalized. Would you mind sharing the answer key? I created my own for our upcoming family reunion. I’d be happy to share mine with you. Thank you.

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