Thrifty Mommas Tips

I Found My Word of the Year For 2015

I found my word for 2015

I found my word for 2015 in centergy class, where I do yoga and pilates moves and strive to get fit. I could care less if that sounds cliche. It’s the truth. I have been searching for a word to help me give a focus to this year. I choose one every year. But this year I have been stuck. I loved the word Travel and wanted to make that my word BUT it seems so dependent on many other things. Travel depends on the economy, the number of holidays my husband is able to take, the children’s schedules, and the income here at my business. While I will strive to make this a year in which I travel as much as possible, travel is not my defining word for 2015. I also feel like 2014 was an exceptional year for travel. I travelled way more than I ever thought I would, covering Colombia with World Vision Canada and Mexico as a media trip and then San Jose, California, Vancouver, Alberta, and Atlanta and Florida, culminating in a Caribbean cruise. I made 2014 meaningful and travelled a lot. But travel will not be my word for 2015.

So what and where was that word? 2014 was growth. It was truly a year for growing personally and professionally. We moved to a bigger home. My family grew up and my business grew again as it continues to – happily for me. We have grown and we will keep growing. In 2013 I used the word health and I strived for healthy living and a healthy attitude in all things. That was a challenge. I have seen a lot of words I love, used by other bloggers and business people and I enjoy watching this process of growth and definition. But for me the word of the year was elusive this month.

Yesterday it hit me during that blissful period at the end of a harsh one hour workout when I rest in relaxation mode for 4 to 5 minutes striving to quiet everything around me, and everything inside me.  Centergy is a yoga pilates fusion done to popular top 40 music that I love. It makes me feel good and healthy and energized. It makes me feel closer to my mother as well. Maybe that’s weird but there is a spiritual component to my class that helps me to achieve balance and energy and strength and harmony. And I feel her there. 2015 is a year that is decisive to me. It is the middle of a decade and the number 5 seems decisive. Strong. There’s no turning back after five. The year 2015 could have been about the word NO. But I decided that was too negative. Celebrate. Much nicer and such a lovely goal to build on. Celebrate. Celebrate life. Because it is precious and very short. Celebrate family because many do not have such gifts. Celebrate doing something I love as a career and business. Celebrate waking up. Celebrate being able to move with strength and precision and balance through all the various fitness classes and workouts I tackle. Celebrate marriage and living and travel and life. Celebrate love. Celebrate all the gifts I have. Celebrate having a voice and using it. Celebrate all things.

Celebrate. This is my word of the year for 2015. What is your word for 2015? Do you have one?

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