
My 2014 Word of the Year Is…

As it is January and the month of giving intense thought to goals and resolutions, I wanted to take some time to define a philosophy for myself this year. A word that defines my business life, and my personal life and drives my activity for 2014.


Last year, I chose the word Health as my catalyst propelling me forward towards a better level of fitness and healthy living for my entire family. I think we tried despite the many challenges that were thrown into our path this past year. I am still a health blogger. Most weeks 80 % of the posts here centre on some health related topic matter or product. I still believe health, and healthy living, is a goal everyone can aspire to in daily life and throughout the year. These are my life goals.



Life Goals and Why Growth Fits

But this year my focus is growth. My family is growing – not in numbers -(although I never say never)- but in strength and space and size. My kids are tweens and we are all a very active bunch. In February we will move this growing family from our first home to our new home, a space that is bigger to fit us, to fit business and to give us the space to breathe. I can’t wait to have an actual office space to work in. We will grow happily, I hope, into the new space that we have chosen to make our haven of quiet and creativity and love.

Business Growth

My business too is growing. In 2012 my word was abundance and work came in abundance. I formalized my business structure. In 2013 the social media consulting arm of Thrifty Mom Media marketing grew to the point where I had to hire two part time employees. I maintain a roster of clients in numerous provinces and many of those clients are health groups, businesses or patient groups. I love what I do and will continue to do it until it no longer makes my heart happy and my brain busy with possibility.

Twitter Parties

In 2013 my twitter party partnership, Linked Moms, with Margarita Ibbott grew and our regular chats landed some good numbers, a steady and faithful audience and numerous fast-paced twitter party sponsors from Staples to Kisko and so many others. We look forward to growth in that sphere as well.


Those of you who know me well, know that I am a journalist by training not a web developer. I am a mother, a writer and researcher. As the market evolved my writing evolved into on line writing and from there the social media consultation business grew out of need. This past year I have heard a few of my clients say: “You’ve got the social media and the blogger outreach locked up. Now wouldn’t if be brilliant if…”

I plan to make 2014 the year of finishing that sentence.

At the end of last year after a few tweets back and forth, some random chatter on Linked In and a bit of networking, a couple of businesses approached me about partnering with them to run the social media portion of their client business. I have found a partner in London and combined forces so that together we will be able to bring the digital and social and web based services to clients as needed.


So 2014 is all about growth. I look forward to sharing that growth with you. Do you have a word of the year or any life goals or bucket list items this year? What is your word for the year?

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.


  • Margarita Ibbott

    I have yet to find my word for this year. I love that yours is growth and Annie’s is Bliss. I am toying with a few words… I am happy to help ‘grow’ with LinkedMoms this year. I am hoping its going to be great!

  • Cathy C

    What an exciting year 2013 was for you Paula! and looks like 2014 is looking to be just as exciting in other ways, with new goals and adventures. I feel like 2013 was a whirlwind and 2014 is my year to learn to manage it, so I can get all I can out of it. Happy New Year and best wishes for 2014!