
Are Little Girl’s Halloween Costumes Too Sexy?

 My seven-year-old thinks outside the box. She is mostly a hands on kind of gal. While my ten-year-old was dreaming of princesses at her age, my youngest well she was climbing trees and sliding into home plate ripping holes in all her jeans. I love their differences and think it’s kind of great to have a kid who doesn’t care to be a pretty pink princess. This year she is Batman. She loves her costume and has worn it every day after school for the past week. On the weekend she showed the furnace repair guy that she was Batman and then she showed the furnace sales person and so on. Suffice it to say the costume is a hit. But while I was shopping wondering what to get my eldest daughter, I found myself indundated with grotesque little girl outfits that made me a bit sick to my stomach.

These ones were in the flyer for a major Canadian retailer. For teen and tween girls.

I got the Batman costume at Zellers this year, for the main reason that last year I was busy creative Mommy sewing right up until the last moments before the big event. The costumes turned out great. Two vampires. My kids looked fab and I was proud to sew their costumes. But what a lot of work! This year, because my Mom has been moved to London and I am now her caregiver too, I have way too much on my plate to take time to sew.

Halloween 2010: costumes by me with fun fake blood

So I thought I would buy a costume for each of my kids. The little one was easy to please. Batman. Iron Man, any of the boy superheroes and she is set. Costumes this past week were 30 % off at Zellers and a few at Wal-Mart were only $9.99. Then of course there is Talize and Value Village – both second hand retail clothing stores do exceptional business this time of year. So I got a pretty decent deal on the Batman costume and if she wears it in the backyard in December and then throws it into the dressup bin I get even more value from it. But for my ten-year-old who is almost a tween, the choices were limited. I have never really considered myself a prude, nor am I conservative in nature. But there is no chance in hell that my child is wearing a supergirl costume with a mini-skirt and thigh high boots. In fact I am offended it is marketed to her.

Why is she fighting crime in a short skirt? Also she looks about seven. Ick!
I haven`t really got a clue at this point what my daughter and I will agree on together. But I know she won’t be wearing anything this short, or stereotypical or sexy. For the same reason that I refuse to let my child wear makeup at 10. It is too young. It is stereotypical and sexist. It is trashy and it promotes little girls growing up too fast. It makes it seem like all girls should fit this skinny, pretty, painted doll-like mould. I am not raising kewpie dolls. I am raising voters, consumers, mothers, caregivers, politicians and advocates and thinkers and problem-solvers, helpers, daughters, sisters, maybe wives. I am raising change agents and real life superheroes. 
So what do you think? Are little girl’s Halloween costumes inappropriate?

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.