Healthy Resolutions: How Can You Make a Difference in a Child’s Life?
This video gets me every time. Adoption Awareness Month has come and gone, but children still wait. This Youtube video posted by the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) says it all. There are still 9,200 children waiting for forever homes in the province of Ontario. If you have ever thought about adopting or fostering a child and giving them a home, what are you waiting for? Adults can wait to become parents, but children should never wait for a forever home. Call London-Middlesex Children’s Aid Society to enquire about domestic foster care adoption. 519-455-9000. Don’t take no for an answer. For information about international adoption or private adoption call the Ministry of Children and Youth or look them up on line. There are many children waiting. Make this your resolution this year. A healthy Ontario is one in which every child has a permanent home.