Back To School,  family

Braid Like a Boss with Goody Back to School Hair Accessories

This post is part of the YummyMummyClub.caand Goody #GoodyTips sponsored program. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. This post about simple braids reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by the sponsors.
Back to school means racing out the door with lunches made and backpacks ready, and not a moment to spare. Some days, time is so tight that we scarcely have a moment to do the hair and teeth checks as we kiss them good bye and wish them a great day. Luckily though,as a Mom of girls, and a lifetime owner of long hair myself, I have a few handy and simple braids that will help you, and a few tricks that will keep their hair trendy and tidy all year.
It’s super important that my kids go to school looking confident and feeling good, while also being ready to learn. Tidy hair helps. My tween and teenager (I am still getting used to that new development) have some skills too. They know what they like and they have a lot of fun recreating their ideas for hair. My digital kids sometimes enjoy scouring Pinterest for pretty up-do’s and simple braids. My oldest daughter has been rehearsing those hairstyles from the time she was gifted her first Barbie doll. In our house, many of our gorgeous hair accessories, elastics and adornments were often used on Barbie first. Once in a while I find myself fighting Barbie for Goody hair elastics. That cuts into precious morning moments, so just this past week we stocked up just in time for the first day of school. That should make these simple braids even easier to do.
My girls also are extremely active and always on the go. They swim, ride horses, act, dance and perform, and they are both junior black belts. With the exception of one of those things, they are required to wear their hair back off their face. I hate it when we are racing out the door with five seconds to spare and someone hollers: “Do you have a hair elastic for your ponytail?”


Here are five places to stash those Goody hair accessories to save you time when you are in a rush.


1.  Keep an ample supply of Goody hair accessories. 
2.  Stock a container in each of the main bathrooms in your house. All hair accessories go there. It’s the hair elastic drop zone. (There is nothing I hate more than finding elastics and hair pins on the couch, or the dinner table.) They go in the container. Easy peasy. 
3. Hide a couple of elastics inside the front hall drawer. For the times someone forgets.
4. Stash 2 or 3 inside every single sports bag in the house. (Trust me.) 
5. Kids do martial arts? Tie an elastic tightly around each of the sticks they have for weapons. It will be useful.
We’ve been practicing a few pretty and simple braids for back to school routines also. Here are a few ideas we wanted to share:

The Rapunzel:

  1. Start with long hair.
  2. Pull a small side section and braid it to the nape of the neck.
  3. Tie a Goody ouchless elastic on the end.
  4. Repeat on the other side.
  5.  Tie those ends together at the nape.
  6.  Now scoop a loose section from the side, and another from the middle and a final from the other side. Braid.
  7. Tie with a pretty elastic.
  8. Pin a flowery elastic at the nape. Very easy and beautiful.

The Ainsley.

Named for my daughter. She likes different things so she asked me for three braids.
1. Make three tiny braids.
2.   Braid the three braids together. 
3. Put a pretty flowery fabric elastic in on the side

       The Fancy Ainsley

  1.      Make three tiny braids.
  2.   .  Braid the three braids together.
  3.   .  Take the braid end and tuck it in through an opening at the nape. Really pretty look.
  4.    .  Pin a Goody flower to cover the end at the nape.
  5.       Pin two or three tiny bobby pins in to keep loose ends from slipping.   
  6.       Add a couple of Goody Girls contour clips along the one side for a bit more style. Love the leopard print ones!


     Payton’s creation. (On Mom)

  1.       Take one section of hair on one side only and braid.
  2.      Attach ouchless Goody elastic.
  3.      Twist the braid into a circle above ear like a bun.
  4.      Pin in place with a bobby pin.
  5.      Add a beautiful flower clip to hide ends.

       Voila. Tidy hair is a snap. Right now you can learn more, and share your hair ideas with Goody on their social channels. Do you have any simple braids that you like to do?

Goody Canada Facebook page:

Ali Martell from YMC has 5 favourites to help make your busy school 
mornings go more smoothly.

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.