Fun Free Earth Day Word Search
This unique simple Earth Day Word Search is a great tool to help teach kids about conservation and pride of place. The environment and protection of the resources in our world, are both crucial concepts for families to share.
Read to the end to see more Earth Day resources and Earth Day activities for parents and teachers too.
Every day should be Earth Day, right? I agree. So what does Earth Day mean to you? I confess I didn’t ever give Earth Day much thought until I had kids. Before that I was ego-centric in a lot of ways. I took for granted that earth and animals and clean air and all of that would be around for me as I needed it. There were many other things to contemplate and stress over.
Having kids changed my perspective. Interestingly my kids are big proponents of taking care of the earth. That isn’t really anything I had a huge hand in. That is something they have learned from media and from school and from their friends. In fact they often teach me more than I teach them about protecting the earth and all its creatures.
So because kids seem to be so naturally invested in taking care of the environment and all the species in it, I know they will enjoy this Earth Day Word Search.
[tweetthis]Download this Earth Day word search printable for kids. [/tweetthis]
What will you do to mark this special day? Do you have any plans? Community cleanups? A visit to the park? Planting a tree?
Earth Day Word Search Printable:
You can access this Earth Day Word Search two different ways. You can right click the above picture from my blog and print it out or you can click through to the link below and download it. I like the clean link below for the best image. Enjoy!
Do you do anything interesting for Earth Day?