Gift Hunting: Empire Theatres Give and Get Program
I am a big power shopping, bargain finding, coupon clipping momma from a long line of the same. I start my Christmas shopping early. In fact, I usually kick off next season’s shopping on Boxing Day. I try to stick to budget and I don’t jump on the latest trends right away. I research and make informed choices. I hate waste. I don’t like toys or products that break. I really love things that serve at least two functions. I don’t mind the hunt, especially if I know I am scoring the best deal in town. I love programs, sales and retailers that give me a little something something back for being a loyal customer. This year I love the Empire Theatres Give and Get program. Gift cards are smart. Most people like them and can use them. And honestly, everyone can use a little entertainment, a break from all that skating, sledding and decorating once the bug day has passed. For us, Christmas break and movies go hand in hand. Whether you give the gift of movies or get the gift of a movie card from a friend or family member this year, Empire Theatres has both angles covered. This is how it works: you buy a $30 gift card for Empire Theatres right now and they give you $30 in coupons to use this coming year. The gift card program is on sale until December 24th. Your can buy them in Empire Theatres and on line. The coupons are quite useful and vary a bit each month. So, for instance January’s deal is buy one admission and get one free. There is a coupon for $4 off general admission. Another month there is a coupon that lets you pay only $6.99 for a movie. So, if you are still puzzling over what to get the babysitter, neighbour, or cleaning lady, give them the gift of entertainment and give yourself a great reward for shopping. In London, our Empire Theatre is Wellington 8 on Wellington Road. Right now, there are several great movies playing there. Tangled, The Tourist. Burlesque, and the one I can’t wait to see with my kids Narnia: Voyage of The Dawn Treader. Purchase on line by Dec. 16th to receive by Christmas. Also right now if you buy the gift cards you can add $1.00 and get a gift tin that looks like a cute movie reel and benefits from the $1.00 price go to Kids Help Phone.
To purchase Empire gift cards and find out more about the locations and times of shows, visit them at:
I am participating in the Empire Give & Get program with Mom Central on behalf of Empire Theatres. I received an Empire Theatres gift card and coupon bundle as a thank you for my participation. The opinions on this blog are my own.