
Glee Gum – All Natural Gum and Chewing Gum Facts -Review

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Gum the way it used to be. 
Glee Gum arrived here this week for review and it didn’t take long for it to disappear. The slogan Gum the way it used to be makes Mom happy and the flavor made my kids happy. Glee Gum comes in a wide range of eight flavors and sizes. My kids loved the bubblegum flavor. Spearmint and cinnamon were some of my favorites, but it was hard to choose. Glee is available in Canada and the U.S. It is all natural made from rainforest chicle, harvested in Mexico and Guatemala. Chicle is a sticky substance that comes from the sapodilla tree. Interestingly, the gum comes from the tree in much the same manner that maple syrups comes from our trees here in Canada. Chicle harvesters climb the trees deep in the woods and cut criss cross marks in them then the sap trickles down the tree. It’s boiled and then put into a mold. After that it is sent to the U.S. and sweetened, coated and packaged. The web site is cute, fun and quirky and it shows you how the gum is made. It’s a little bit retro and retro candy packaging is hot right now. I love the adorable candy making kits sold on line. They are all available on the site and in stores too. 
Fun chewing gum facts:
1. Most popular flavors are cinnamon, spearmint and peppermint.
2. During WW II US military personnel spread the popularity of chewing gum by trading it and giving it as gifts to people around the world.
3. Chewing on gum while cutting onions can keep you from producing tears.
Glee gum is adorable and I can’t wait to get my hands on a candy-making kit. I was given free samples of this gum for the purposes of review.
In London you can get Glee Gum at several health stores and Real Canadian Superstore.

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.

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