Team Vega 2014 #health
This year I am thrilled to announce that I am again working with Vega as one of their bloggers. I have been using some of their products for the past year. More importantly I have been committed to my own health and fitness plan for an entire year. I know I feel better and can manage the regular business of working, parenting and life in general when I am striving to be fit. Last year I worked out consistently and attended yoga and centergy classes at least 3 times a week. At the start of this year I made it my goal to add weights to my routine and I added a wellness consultant to the mix. Unbelievably in 6-7 years of going to this gym I never made time to go through a full consultation with a health and wellness personal coach.
This is the year, that I am upping my game. I want Michelle Obama arms. Oh I know it’s a lofty goal (cough) but I have a vision of stronger arms. I am also extremely motivated to maintain a healthy weight after age 40. It’s a challenge because metabolism changes dramatically at 40. It’s harder to keep rolls from settling where they shouldn’t. This week, on a snow day when my kids were home from school, I kept my appointment and hauled them to the gym with me. One ran the track and the other did the treadmill while I got schooled on some machines that are new to me. Together, my new coach and I, worked out a weight routine to strengthen arms and core. I was brutally honest about my goals: better nutrition being one of the goals, less snacking and less sugar also. Mama has a sweet tooth. It’s my Achille’s heel in terms of diet.
So, now that I am on a new tougher regimen I expect to see results. I look forward to chronicling some of that journey here. My core is stronger than it has ever been before. I am happy with that, but I know I can do better. Not going to lie, a few of those arm exercises, especially biceps, nearly did me in. But I am working on it steadily. I expect to see results especially with the support of a wellness coach, the Vega products and team. I am a huge fan of Vega sport sugar-free energizer. I look forward to trying out some of their other products and learning more about what to do with nutrition to maximize my results.
I am a member of Team Vega, and as such I receive some products for free. My opinion is 100 % my own.