adoption and tweens

Ainsley’s Tween Girl Birthday Word Search

tween girl birthday word search
tween girl birthday word search

It’s my daughter’s eleventh birthday. My youngest daughter. My mini ninja. The girl we used to dub a two foot tornado. Now a four foot tornado. No idea how she can possibly be eleven! Then again, I can’t believe I have a teenager either. Ainsley keeps us on our toes, but in a good way mostly.

From the moment she arrived in our home she was almost always on the go. I remember her first ever attempt at rolling as a baby. She rolled clear across the living room floor to grab her sister’s Barbie. That’s just her way.

At four she started martial arts. On a day when she’d been playing with my makeup and she went in with me to check out a martial arts studio sporting eyeshadow, she found her happy place inside the dojo. From the second the sensei invited her to play a simple game she was hooked. At eight she was a junior black belt. She swims like a fish and loves to travel with us and she still rarely stops moving. Once in awhile she stops twirling like a dervish to sit still and do a puzzle or two. Sometimes a word search does the trick too.

Tween Girl Birthday Word Search

It’s simple to download this tween girl birthday word search. Just click on the link below and you can download it. Don’t forget to visit my Pinterest Free Printables page for more like this.

Happy Birthday Ainsley! We love you!

Ainsley bday

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.