Cutest Pets for Kids – #wordlesswednesday
This is Cupcake, one of the five guinea pigs we own. She is a sweetie, just not the brightest. One night we tried to train her to climb up a little log incline to get back in her cage. Her brother and sister did it in three seconds and she circled the cage 14 times before we picked her up and put her back in. She got the looks – the brains not so much. My kids laugh hysterically at how silly she is.
Wordless Wednesday is a photo meme. I often link up over on Tara`s View of the World.
lol! sounds like our g-piggies!! ours aren’t smart either!!
🙂 super cute!! I had hamsters
Awwww….we’ve never owned guinea pigs but she looks adorable and very cuddly!!
Lisa Marie Fletcher
I had teddy bear hamsters as a kid. We got a dog when I was a teen.
But I always thought guinea pigs looked fun. Yours look so fluffy and cute!
Annie Brown
Well isn’t cupcake cute but not nearly as cute as the girlie!
I didn’t know you could train a guinea pig to do anything! Maybe she’s just right and the other two are geniuses……
Elizabeth FrugalMomEh
Sounds like my cat. :p
Brandi Yee
hahaha that’s so cute! At least she’s got the looks 😉
Margarita Ibbott
Love… all I have to say to that!