baby products
family,  Health,  infertility,  parenting

Introducing My New Contributor – Baby Product Vlogger Christina

baby products
Meet my new contributor, Christina

I am super excited to share this news with you. As some readers know my girls are in the double digits now. One is a tween and one is a teenager and they keep me every bit as busy as they did when they were small. It’s just a different kind of busy.

For a time I had a baby blogger here, but even her babies have grown up a lot. I know this audience still wants to read about baby news and baby products too. I can tell that when I run analytics here sometimes. So how does that work? I can’t authentically write or review baby products when I have an 11 year old and a 13 year old.

SO, I started a hunt earlier this year for someone to contribute to this space in a very special role as a new Mom or Dad. Thanks to everyone who applied!

Happily, I introduce you all to Christina Nicolaou. (I hope I spelled that right) Christina and her husband Blair are expecting their first baby girl in July. Super exciting, right? Also Christina and her husband are part of that 1 in 6 who struggled with infertility before experiencing success! I can’t tell you how happy I get every time I read that someone new has made it through that dark lonely time as an infertility patient and reached the other side to become a family.

Christina is going to start VLOGGING here as my new contributor, covering baby products and brands. We know how many people enjoy baby product reviews by Moms. In fact it’s pretty much the best way to share your brand with the world. Word of Mom is powerful and it’s how we determine where we spend our money.

[tweetthis]Meet my newest contributor for baby product reviews – VLOGGER – Christina[/tweetthis]

Here are a few words about Christina:

Christina is an actor, writer and improviser.  She holds an Masters of Arts in Political Science and English from McMaster University and an Masters of Fine Arts in Acting from the University of Washington’s Professional Actor Training Program.

She and her husband Blair are co-founders of Spite Media Productions.  Together they have created short films and web series that have been featured online and in festivals.  Their most exciting project to date is arriving in July 2015…a baby girl.

I hope you all welcome her to this space and love watching her videos. She is clever and funny and simply beautiful so I look forward to watching her share the latest and greatest baby products with you. I can’t wait to meet her baby girl soon on video or twitter or however else she shares the arrival with us. Welcome, Christina.

If you have a product you would like considered please email:

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.