Sign The Pledge with Your Teen and Make Roads Safer
If you are a parent of a child about to start driving then you want to hear about this pledge to make roads safer.
Driving is one of the biggest rites of passage for a young adult. Getting your driver’s license is an epic event, one children begin fantasizing about from the time they are small. Little boys practice driving their imaginary cars almost as soon as their brains are capable of creative play. Girls too. My oldest daughter just last year pulled her iPhone out at the beach and warned me she was only 1598 days away from being old enough to get her driver’s license. (Ouch!)
I was in my 20s when I started driving. Initially, I thought my boyfriend, now my husband, could teach me how to drive. As a university student I thought I’d save money. It took about half an hour of the first lesson to realize we would likely strangle each other if we didn’t hire an official driving instructor.
Later that week I signed up for lessons with a well known company. Before my actual test, I logged several hours in the car with hands on driving experience. I studied a lot and I prepared, but there’s still always an element of the unknown. What will be on the test? Would I remember the answers to the questions? Could I parallel park? (Still NO to that last question.)
How Can You Make Roads Safer?
Happy to report I got my license. Even happier to share a service I have found that helps young teenagers and their parents when preparing for their written driver’s test. G1.ca.
G1.ca has six versions of the written test that teens and their parents can refer to and take for practice when preparing for their driver’s license. Why is that important? Well practice makes perfect, or if not perfect, at least it can help you be better prepared.
Did you know that up to 26 % of those attempting their tests in 2012 failed? That statistic comes straight from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. While G1.ca can’t predict for sure what’s on the test, they base their practice tests on the yearly edition of each Ontario Driver’s Handbook.
Preparation is Part of the Battle
Most parents go to great lengths to help their children be prepared for life, and all the various milestones throughout the course of childhood, youth and teen years. So here’s a valuable tool to tuck away and pull out for the time when your baby is ready to take their learner’s permit test.
The G1.ca doesn’t have to be so frightening or nerve-wracking. It can be a successful experience for everyone. G1.ca is a leading education web site that lets users practice taking the test as many times as they like, or need to, for free. There are six different practice tests containing 300 questions similar to those that are on the test.
Parent Driver Contract
G1.ca encourages parents to take initiative and get their teens to recognize that practice makes perfect. The site also hosts a parent-driver contract which you can download for free. What’s cool about that is the idea of using this as a springboard for discussing important topics like texting while driving and distracted driving. My kids have a few years to go still before we start lessons. But I am printing this out today to use as a tool to remind my soon to be 13-year-old why it’s not okay to distract me while I am driving her around or driving on our next family roadtrip. She sometimes thinks it’s fine to try and show me a Youtube clip when I am actively driving and trying to concentrate on the road.
Sign the Pledge Now
Sign the pledge now and get started practicing. The site is free, and it’s based on a leading US driver’s test site. The G1.ca test and the Parent Driver contract is a tool that can be used to facilitate discussion about safe driving practices between parent and teen. The contract is available on the G1.ca site and it can be downloaded to help your family make roads safer.
What a great way to keep talking about safety on the road, and keep the lines of communication open with your teen.

Jenna Em
This is an important discussion to have with your teen, in the form on a pledge. Driving is a major responsibility and cannot be taken lightly.
Sarah Kertcher
My work colleagues 18 year old son just got his license so I’ll definitely be passing this info on to her! Great idea! Thankfully I have a few years to go before I need to start worrying about this with my kids!
Maya Fitzpatrick
I also think that this is an invaluable site for both teens and parents. I wish this was around when I took my test, on the day I turned 16!! I also love the pledge that parents can take. What a great idea.
Just Us Girls
My kiddos are still little, but this is a great idea. I have a niece and a nephew who just recently turned 16 and are itching to get behind the wheel. I will be sharing this info with both my sister in laws so they can share with their teens, thanks!
Christy Garrett
I will be signing something similar with my kids.