Wordless Wednesday #special needs
How happy is this girl? My daughter wanted a bubblegum machine for Christmas. It was the top of her list. And it was the one thing that she jumped for joy over when opening. See, it combines two of her favourite things – money and gum. It cost Santa about $12 from Sears and it has brought her more joy than a toy that might have cost me $200. Sometimes simple things are so worth it. (Side fact – did you know that gum and the act of chewing is an organizing activity for your brain. True – it helps give you focus and ground kids and adults, both with and without special needs. Gum is a big part of our daily life. The trick is convincing them to stick it in the garbage when done. :)) This is my Wordless Wednesday post. It is a linky, so send your post and link up over at http://www.tarasviewoftheworld.com/ |
We chew gum over here like it’s going out of style. Helps my son with sensory issues. We love gum!
We love gum here too!!! One lucky girl to get a gumball machine of her very own. 🙂
I had one of those as a kid too.