Health,  infertility,  parenting

Generations of Hope Free Family Fun Day in Calgary #abhc4ivf #abpoli

A free Family Fun Day carnival celebrating healthy families formed after infertility takes place September 21 in Calgary. Generations of Hope, an infertility advocacy and awareness group, hosts this amazing event each year. This year Family Fun Day will take place in Calgary on September 21st from 11 to 3 p.m. Rain or Shine at Olympic Park.

Infertility patient support and advocacy group in Alberta:

Infertility impacts 1 in 6 people in Canada. Infertility is a complex health issue as recognized by the World Health Organization. Infertility patients all can benefit from finding a support group and connecting with them early in their journey. Studies have recognized this is one proven way to reduce stress during the infertility diagnosis and treatment process. Infertility can be isolating. Infertility can impact every area of your life. It is financially draining, mentally and physically challenging. Generations of Hope is an infertility patient support and advocacy group. Joining and taking part in their events helps patients through the journey.

2014 Event details: 

The Generations of Hope Fertility Assistance Fund is hosting their Family Fun Day at Olympic Park on Sunday September 21 from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. rain or shine. Admission is free and organizers hope that Calgary families will come out to the event to celebrate and support the Fund. The event will feature fun indoor and outdoor events for the entire family with face painters, carnival games, stage shows, crafts, and a petting zoo. Family Fun Day 2013 was a huge success and organizers hope this event will continue to grow awareness for infertility issues in Alberta. 

Alberta Health Minister Fred Horne announced earlier this summer that the province is seriously looking at covering the cost of IVF procedures. The cost of IVF is currently not covered by the provincial government in Alberta. One round of  in vitro fertilization can cost $7,000 or more when medications are included. Ontario recently approved their budget which includes public funding for one full round of in vitro fertilization with single embryo transfer. The Ontario IVF policy still needs to be developed but it is anticipated to be in place in 2015. 

Generations of Hope is still  looking for additional volunteers for the day of the event. Join this important family event and you will find the infertility patient support you need as well. 

Follow our debate on twitter
and on Pinterest too. 
Generations of Hope Fertility Assistance Fund helps raise money to make IVF happen for some couples who are unable to afford medical treatment. You must be undergoing treatment at the Regional Fertility Clinic to be eligible to apply for assistance. You can ask your family doctor for an application.

I am community manager of Generations of Hope, and in that capacity I am compensated. I support this event and this issue and my opinion is 100 % my own.

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.