Limeapple Back to School Girl’s Clothing Gift Packages #BTS
I have a super sporty 12-year-old, so when I heard about Limeapple Back to School Girl’s Clothing Gift Packages I knew that we’d found a winning combination of style and function. My daughter Ainsley is always on the run, and she’s often on the go with us traveling too. I love that she is more athletic than I have ever have been and she challenges me to strive to be stronger and more fit every day. Because she is always on the go, I need girl’s clothing that keeps up with this fast paced active child and I need it to be fashionable as well.
No 12-year-old girl every wants to sacrifice style for speed or performance. Limeapple girl’s clothing never sacrifices style. It’s adorable, whether you are dressing up for a school choir performance, or wearing a track suit to a martial arts tournament. We have been fans of Limeapple girl’s clothing ever since we discovered them while shopping on line a few years ago. Both of the girls have had many beautiful pieces of Limeapple clothing over the years. We still own a dress or two and a cute little matching dressy tunic with leggings.
Limeapple carries a bit of everything – from sportswear to swimsuits to dresses. Right now Limeapple wants to make your back to school shopping simple. For a short time, Limeapple is doing four back to school pre-packed gift boxes for people to buy. The packs they are offering are Active Pack, Little Lime Pack, Boutique Pack and Gym Stripe pack. All of the packs have over $150 worth of clothing in them, and Limeapple is selling them for $100 or less, depending on the pack.
We received the Active Pack and were thrilled with the quality and quantity of Limeapple Back to School clothing in the gift package. You will be too! It was like the gift that kept on giving. AMAZING how much clothing they fit into a small package!
Inside this Limeapple girl’s clothing active pack we found:
One gorgeous soft Bubble Hoodie Sweaters in pink.
Two headbands that matched the activewear.
Also included in the Active Pack are the following items: a tank top, shorts, leggings, a 1/2 top, and a comfortable long-sleeve shirt. (these are golden for camping or working out or travel, and so are the leggings.)
All Limeapple Active items are moisture resistant, seamless and extremely comfortable. Comfort is important to my daughter because she also has sensory processing disorder. Seams that itch and scratch don’t work for her. Limeapple clothing is never aggravating in that regard. The leggings are wicked. I honestly find them comparable in quality to a high end women’s workout brand that I purchase for myself occasionally. But the price is so much better!
RIGHT NOW Limeapple has a super quick Back to School sale from August 15 to 17th. Save over 50 % on the super convenient Limeapple clothing packs. Pick one up now and save the back to school shopping drama.
[tweetthis]Don’t miss Limeapple Back to School sale from August 15-17th. Save over 50 % on Limeapple clothing packs. #BTS[/tweetthis]
I received product in order to facilitate this post. My opinion is all my own and it is always honest.