Adoption and Family

Our Family Christmas Party #WordlessWednesday #adoption

The secret to a successful support group has been broken down and studied a lot in the last decade. Ideally annual meeting schedules should be divided: one third support, one third education and one third social. So, when a few parents and I transitioned our group of adoptive parents into a formal support group 5-6 years ago we took that to heart and made every third meeting a social affair. Christmas party, Easter egg hunt and summer picnic. This is our Christmas party. It’s often small, but an important tradition. Because when kids regularly see other kids who are just like them, and when adoptive families socialize with other adoptive families, everyone benefits. 
Parent to parent, peer to peer supports have proven to be most effective for the success of adoptive families, parents and caregivers of all stripes. And really, who doesn’t love a Christmas party?

Lucky we are to have a Dad that transforms magically and mysteriously to Santa each year. Doesn’t he look the part? This year both my girls told me they knew Santa was one of the Dads, but they agreed that was okay and enjoyed the party anyways. Youngest daughter got Hot Wheels Wall Tracks which Mommy is having a blast with, and my oldest got a Fijit Newbie that is also a lot of fun.

Happy Holidays!

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.