School Routine – Getting Back into the Habit for Back to School
A school routine is so important for children when they’re up at at ’em every day to learn. It’s hard for a child to fully absorb anything if they’re tired, and we all know how much children need structure. Chances are, structure has been in short supply over the summer, and that’s okay. It’s the summer, after all. However, as school approaches, it’s best to start getting the kids – even the older ones – back into a school routine, so they’re prepared when school starts.
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School Routine – Ways to Get Back Into the Groove
As school approaches, getting back into the groove becomes more and more important, especially if you don’t want to deal with whining kids who don’t want to go to bed at school bed time and who don’t want to get up in the morning when they should. Getting back into the swing of school things a couple of weeks before hand can save you a huge headache when school actually begins.
Back to School Bedtime
A couple of weeks before school starts, get your children back to school ready by getting them back on their sleep schedule. Whatever that time may be, make sure your kids are in bed with their lights – AND devices – off and ready to sleep. This will get their bodies back into the school routine sleep schedule they need to be on.
Device Cutoff
And speaking of bedtime and devices, begin instituting your school year device cutoff time as well. The kids will grumble a little, but not nearly as much as they will if you take away their tablet or phone on the designated time the first day of school. Give them a week or two to adjust to the new old cutoff time.
Regular Chore System
Back to school means a back to school routine in a lot of different departments, including chores. During the summer, kids are free to do their chores pretty much anytime they feel like it. With school looming, that’s about to change. They’ll have the afternoons and the mornings – if they’re up early enough – to do their chores, and that’s it. Get them back into the back to school swing of things by having them begin doing their chores at their normal school day times a week or two before school starts.
Tighten Up Dinnertime
During the summer, a lot of families get loose with the family schedule. Once back to school time rolls around, that schedule needs to be on point. A couple of weeks before school, start having dinner at the regular time, and pull back a little on the late movie nights and the like so that you can implement the bed time, device cutoff, and chore time school routine tips I just listed.
It may seem like a no-brainer to put back to school supplies on a back to school routine list, but you wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve had to rush to my local store last minute. Actually, if you’re a parent, you would TOTALLY believe that. Make sure your kids give you a list of what supplies they need for the year, and if you have access to a teacher’s email, shoot them an email asking. In my experience, you can never fully rely on your kids for this type of thing. 😉
School Routine is Better When You Get it Started Earlier
Back to school means a good back to school routine, and that always works out better when you start it a little before school begins. Getting back into a regular school routine a couple of weeks before school begins is the best way to allow your kids to get back into the groove of things with a minimum of wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Ann Bacciaglia
I like to start a week before school start getting the kids up early and back into the swing of things. It will be different this year. My Daughter is moving seven hours away for school.
We just started on getting my daughter back on a school bed time. Crazy that school starts in just a few weeks!
Amy Heffernan
Good ideas. I am dreading it!!
Hehehe…AMY Believe me I know.
Brandee H
Great ideas! Yesterday was our first day to get back on schedule. Warnings started at dinner time of the impending bedtime. We had friends visiting for two weeks, and all routine and early bedtimes went out the window! Hopefully we will be back on routine soon!
We were on a daily routine even during summer break. During the summer though the rules were relaxed a little.
kristen visser
Thank you for these wonderful tips. I now have this booked marked for future reference. My daughter is starting school this year 🙂 only going for a couple half days but still it is pretty exciting 🙂
Ha – they don’t get away from the chore routine here in summer! 🙂 All of these important ones.
Darlene W
Start a couple of weeks before and stick to your bedtimes
Waking my children up early at least one week before school starts helps to establish a morning routine.
Florence C
Great tips. Shopping early saves money. The bed routine is the hardest.
Judy Cowan
Great tips and I agree it is better to get back into the routine a few weeks before it starts.
Alison Braidwood
Buying school supplies through out the year when you see them on sale is always a good move.
Lindsay T
Some great tips that we should probably implement soon! The reality is though that I’m not ready to go back to school!!
Joni W
I have no kids, I’m not a mom, I’m not married, not even been in a relationship. Ever. But I’ve always been around kids. Be it neighbour kids, or my own nieces and nephews. I’ve noticed how important routine is, they get into a pattern, know what to expect, what’s coming up (with a few surprises mixed in).
Getting my boys to bed a bit sooner than usual helps with the transition to school.
Debbie White Beattie
You’ve got great tips here but the best are bedtime and device cutoff
Karen E. Hill
Some great suggestions! I have tried a few with little to no success. Routine is the key
Anne-Marie Tvete
I am not a Mom but I have heard about all these problems from friends with kids.
debbie S.
These are all great tips and advice. I miss getting my kids ready for school. Time goes by so very quickly. Now it’s my grandson that is heading off to school, and I bought him a few new clothing pieces. I love to help out with stuff like that.
Victoria Ess
Maintaining a routine throughout the summer definitely helps and starting to get back into the groove before the start of school really makes sense.
Carol M
Great tips, coming up fast.
Dianne G.
I really agree with you on this and your kids will be in a lot better mood if you get back into the routine early. My grandchildren have to leave their devices on the kitchen counter before they go to bed so there is no sneaking it on when they should be sleeping. Anyone who does not leave it there loses it for a week, so it is a rule that is followed!