Science Girl #WordlessWednesday Linky
This is Payton. She loves science. She is also a trained observer and a very intense sensitive kid. She hollered the other night when we were putting dishes away from dinner. “Come quick! You have to see this!” Sometimes she drives us all the tiniest bit nutty with her dreamy creative side that means she is always drawing or reading when she should perhaps be listening or cleaning her room. This time it was worth it. The cicada seen here was shedding its exoskeleton right in front of our eyes. This morning it was gone.
This is a wordless wednesday post. Link up with a photo of your own and share.

Lyne Proulx
Wow! This is totally amazing! You are lucky to have caught it on camera.
Manager to Mom
Oooo, neat! That’s not something you see every day!
Brandi Yee
Oh wow, how cool!! And how awesome that Payton loves science..that will come in handy later on in her school years 😉
Jennifer Van Huss
That is crazy but EWWWW I hate bugs!
Kathryn Lavallee
That is awesome! My oldest Zackary is the same way, especially with anything to do with natural science. Love that trait!
That is really neat to see, your daughter is indeed a very trained observer!
Patricia Bacon
What great timing for her… just the start of a promising career?
My daughter would have loved to see this!
Kay Maher
These are so cool. The boys are always bringing home the exoskeletons and I have to MAKE them leave them outside! LOL!
That is so neat! Very cool that she is so into science. I love things like this too 😉
De Balino
I love creative, dreamy kids! They’re the ones that always discover the coolest things!