The Pfeiffer’s In Vitro Fertilization Success Story #abhc4ivf #abpoli
Tammy and Matt Pfeiffer have their hard-earned miracle family.
But it was a long route to parenthood for the Stony Plain, Alberta couple. And it was a long time arriving at their In Vitro Fertilization Success Story.
The Pfeiffers began trying to conceive just before they were married. At 32, Tammy had irregular periods and tests resulted in a diagnosis of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome.) After several months of trying, their doctor put Tammy on oral fertility medications. But still, the couple had no luck conceiving. Tests revealed Matt had male factor infertility on multiple levels, low count, slow motility and low volume.
Male factor infertility makes up about 40 % of infertility cases. Another 40 % of infertility is female factor. The last 20 % is undetermined.
Due to the PCOS and the male factor infertility, the couple were given a referral to a fertility clinic immediately. They continued on Clomid and did IUI – intrauterine insemination. To their surprise they got pregnant, but then they had a devastating miscarriage.
After 2.5 years of trying, they were told their last option was IVF, in vitro fertilization. But at a cost of $10,000 – $13,000 it was daunting. The Pfeiffers sold their trailer and saved up for the price of the procedure. They hoped and banked on an In Vitro Fertilization Success Story.
“It was heartbreaking to know there weren’t a lot of options to becoming parents.”
Adoption was considered, but the Pfeiffers knew costs could be high depending on the type of adoption – domestic, private or international – and they worried how long it would take to be matched with a child. Both Tammy and Matt knew time was crucial if they wanted to be parents at all one day.
They committed to trying in vitro fertilization On transfer day only two embryos were left. Both were transferred. After 3 years of trying and one miscarriage, the Pfeiffers were finally pregnant with twins. Today their babies are six months old.
“Without IVF we would not be a family,” says Tammy. Today they are an In Vitro Fertilization Success Story.
Together, they found support through the journey from Generations of Hope, an Alberta infertility patient support and advocacy group. Generations of Hope helps provide funding for patients in need of IVF. They host an annual event called Images of Hope each year. It is an amazing fundraiser and a beautiful photography tribute to the many families formed through the Generations of Hope fertility assistance fund.
Right now, many patient advocates, members of the general public and Generations of Hope team members are advocating for public funding for In vitro fertilization in Alberta. You can help by adding your name to the Generations of Hope petition. In Canada, Quebec is the only province providing funding for in vitro fertilization. Manitoba offers a tax credit. Many other areas of the world have various different funding models to help battles infertility and declining fertility rates. Australia, Ireland, Belgium, Poland and Israel are just some of the countries offering assistance to those requiring IVF.
Please join our debate on twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/gensofhope . We are sharing our messages and blog posts with this hashtag #abhc4ivf #abpoli.
and on Facebook you can like us and find out more about events and news items that are relevant to this issue. https://www.facebook.com/generationsofhope/
We pin here too: http://www.pinterest.com/gensofhopeab
and on Facebook you can like us and find out more about events and news items that are relevant to this issue. https://www.facebook.com/generationsofhope/
We pin here too: http://www.pinterest.com/gensofhopeab
I am community manager for Generations of Hope, and a consultant for the patient advocacy group in Alberta. As such I receive payment. I support the issue of increased awareness for fertility and infertility issues. I also 100 % back this initiative because public funding makes sense and works well in several areas of the world. My opinion is all my own.