51 Summer Things To Do at Smugglers’ Notch Now
Bring your family to Smugglers’ Notch in the summer and never hear I’m bored again. Oh, believe me, I know it takes all of five seconds into most holidays for kids to launch into that familiar refrain. But, there are hundreds of summer things to do every single day at Smugglers’ Notch. A Vermont Summer Vacation Story I’ve been back for three weeks and I am still getting text message alerts about the activities at Smuggs. Why? Maybe I am a bit of a masochist as I live nine hours away and can’t exactly drop everything and race right back on a whim to do any of the activities that…
A Smugglers’ Notch Summer – Open Your Eyes to Something New
We were hosted media guests at Smugglers’ Notch this summer. My opinion is all my own and also truthful. Have you ever seen a Luna moth? They have an impressive wingspan, a lime green colour that makes them look almost bioluminescent and streamers trailing behind as they fly. If I’d never seen this moth, I’d still believe all moths drab and grey. Looking Through a Different Lens If I’d never experienced a Smugglers’ Notch summer I might have missed seeing all the fun ways you can play at a ski resort when the snow has long since melted. Sometimes, a different lens is all you need to see something seemingly…