family,  Giveaways,  parenting,  Technology

Tony Hawk Circuit Boards For Tweens by Hexbug – #TMMGG2015 #giveaways


Of all the people on your list this year, the tweens and teenagers can be some of the hardest to buy for. Oh sure there’s always gift cards. Kids like to spend those after they hit double digits. But if you are like me you still love to have something under the tree for them to open also. Gadgets? Sure, why not. But there are only so many electronics you can give. Kids, of all ages, still like something to unwrap and play with on occasion. So happy to share that HexBug has you covered this year for all the tweens and teens on your list. These Tony Hawk Circuit Boards by HexBug are the newest and coolest variation of Hexbug.

Tony Hawk Circuit Boards



We received a street set for consideration here. At first I was confused about what this was exactly. But I let the 11-year-old at it and she set it up easily and started performing tricks with it. The street set comes with a Remote control skateboard, a rail slide, a fun box, wave ramp, and kick flip. There are numerous other sets you can buy to build this out and personalize it as you wish.

circuit_3 407-4082 TH CB Circuit Bowl Front Pkg

Tony Hawk, best know for skateboarding, and general awesomeness, is also a master of merchandising. This proves it. Take your HexBugs of old and turn their environment into a skateboard park, then give the skateboards each a remote control. These are quite simply a lot of fun and very easy to set up.

I highly recommend Tony Hawk Circuit Boards this year for any of the tweens or teens on your list. These are for ages eight and up. In fact Hexbugs have a whole host of amazing toys that reach that niche and will keep them super happy. This year Hexbug has been very generous and I also have one Hexbug prize to giveaway.

The prize is a Hexbug Hexcalator which was featured here earlier this fall. This time this prize is only open to Canadians so please pay attention to the rules here and enter to win.

What do you have planned for your teens this Christmas?


Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.