
Free Summer Fun Word Search Printable

It’s summer and I am pretty stoked about that. Not going to lie. My one daughter will be working most of the summer as a camp counsellor. So that’s new. She will be very busy. My younger daughter has a couple of camps she is doing so she’s also pretty busy, but still she needs extra things to do when the schedule becomes a little less structured. That’s where this summer word search and books come in handy.



If your kids are like mine at all, they need a high level of activity. Mine are not the languish in the room and read all summer sort of kids. Believe me I have done the easy going let’s fly by the seat of our pants and enjoy summer style July too. That lasted less than two weeks. I run a business and my kids have some unique needs. If I do not monitor what they are doing the impulsivity ends in chaos. If I do monitor what they are doing all day long then my business is seriously challenged for July and August.

SO I have learned structure is my friend. That’s okay. The kids need it and I also need to be able to work, so camp and cottage and trips and games. And the pool helps too.

What style of summer do your kids respond to? Structured or less structured? No matter what kind of summer you have coming up, this Summer Fun Word Search will help. Check these other word searches out too while you are at it. There’s a spring word search here too.

Free Summer Fun Word Search



You may print this and use it. You may not copy and share as your own on a web site. And you may not crop out the watermark on the page.

Right click on the image above and print it out. Have fun!

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.