
Junior Kindergarten Graduation Poem

Updated – one of my kids is starting university in September so when this sweet junior kindergarten graduation poem popped up in my memories this morning, I almost cried with how sweet this memory is. Also, seems like maybe five years ago and it’s been almost 12 years!!

This Junior Kindergarten Graduation Poem came inside the booklet that my daughter’s teacher helped her prepare this year cataloguing all of her Junior Kindergarten achievements.

Kindergarten Graduation is Special

Kindergarten graduation is a special and emotional time for MOMs and DADS too. This year we are extending our daughter’s school at the private preschool where she started when she was 2 1/2. So she will do senior kindergarten there too and then the hope is that she will follow her sister to French immersion public school.

I adored this graduation poem and thought you might too. The author is anonymous. Here it is:

Junior Kindergarten Graduation Poem, by Anonymous

Children are like balloons with a message inside.
They start out small and we inflate them with something of ourselves.
As we pour our lives into them they spread sunshine,
give joy, brighten the days of grandmas and grandpas and cheer up the sick.
They remind us of being young and that life is fragile.
They celebrate living!
When discouraged, they are like a balloon that deflates.
A simple openness allows us to refill them..
with hope for the future, and a feeling that they are special.
Their enthusiasm is like a balloon carried on the wind
With never-ending energy, they sway and drift.
It’s then that they need our loving guidance,
without too much pressure that would cause them to burst.
The time comes, sprinkled with tears and joy,
when others are able to read the message we have written on their hearts.
So we let go of our precious balloons..not the end..but truly the beginning!
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Isn’t that Adorable?

This actually makes me teary reading it every single time. Have older kids? Heading to university or college soon? My oldest girl wrote this Getting Ready for University post recently. Talk about time flying!!

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.